Page 11 of Saving Lena

Lena released her top and stood. With a quick glance to R.J. before walking to stand in front of Hal, for a moment she considered turning and running to her room. She could hide in there. Hal and R.J. had made it plain that she had the power to stop whatever this was whenever she wanted to. They would not push her, not pursue her. She could start work on Monday as if nothing had happened. Just three people getting to know one another and playing cards. Nothing more.

But she wanted more. For once in her life she wanted to be the bad girl, the girl who had it all. She wanted her cake and to eat it, too. She didn’t know if she would have the same chemistry with Melvin Ashcroft as she did with these two men, but he wasn’t here and they were. They were hers, for tonight at least.

Lena let Hal pull her toward him and sat sideways on the edge of his knees. She looked over his shoulder and saw R.J. standing there naked. Her eyes grew wider as she stared at his erection. Wow, what they said about proportions was totally untrue. She couldn’t help staring. It was long and hard, an angry red color and pointed right at her. “That looks like it hurts,” she said, her mouth watering.

R.J. reached down and started stroking himself, moving his hand slowly from base to tip.

Lena licked her lips and felt herself lean forward. If she could just reach around Hal, just touch the tip of her tongue to that pearly drop at the tip. Hal’s hands tightened on her hips and she felt herself lifted and turned.

“I said, straddle me. Neither R.J. nor I like disobedient subs. Do we?” Hal turned and saw R.J. standing a few steps away, slowly stroking himself. “See what you do to us, darling? You caused this.”

“I did?” Lena couldn’t move her eyes. She let Hal adjust her so that she was straddling him, the tips of her breasts brushing again his chest. She wondered if the light sprinkling of hair there was as soft as it looked and reached out a hand to touch it.

“Eyes on me, sub,” Hal said, drawing her attention away from R.J. and focusing it back on him.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered. Sub. He called her sub. Did that mean what she thought it did? In all the books she read that was how the Dom talked to the submissive. Were these men into BDSM? Her e-reader was filled with books on BDSM. The book R.J. had been reading from at her apartment was about BDSM. Did she even dare to ask them?

She felt a sharp smack on her bottom. “I don’t think she’s with us, R.J. I think she’s in her head too much. We are going to need to work on that with her.” Hal had noticed that Lena had a tendency to drift off and let her mind wander. They would need to fix that.

Slipping his hands under her thighs, he spread her legs wider and pulled her closer, pressing her breasts more firmly against his chest. “Lena, in the kind of relationship we want to have with you, you need to be present at all times. No side vacations. Just stay with us. If you can’t do that, we will have to find ways to keep you engaged.”

Wait, he said relationship, Lena thought. Maybe they wanted more than a one-night stand or a quick fling. Could she handle more? What the hell was she thinking? She hadn’t met Melvin Ashcroft and had only known R.J. and Hal a few hours. There was no way she should even be thinking about a one-night stand, let alone a relationship. She usually didn’t even think about dating a guy until she had known them a while and was definitely a third date rule girl.

Another smack to her ass. “Where did you go this time?” Hal asked, rubbing his hand over the place he had just slapped.

“I was just thinking that I had totally broken the third date rule.” Lena giggled and laid her head on Hal’s shoulder. It felt good to have someone hold her again. Now if he’d just stop slapping her ass and get on with the good stuff.

“Third date rule?” R.J. asked, watching as she leapt off to another thought. Her ass was going to be red before they even started to play, and she had too many clothes on.

“The third date rule means no touching until the third date,” Lena explained, letting more of herself lean against Hal.

“No touching, you mean, no hand-holding and no good-night kiss. You don’t let a guy touch you until the third date?” Hal asked. He had been on lots of dates and even more hookups. He wouldn’t have even called back after the first date if the girl wouldn’t at least let him kiss her. What kind of wimps had she been dating?

“You mean guys will go out with you for three dates before you let them touch you?” R.J. couldn’t believe it either.

“Well, yeah. If they tried something on the first date I wouldn’t go out with them again,” Lena said, pulling back a little. What kind of girl did they think she was? Wait, she was sitting on the lap of a man she barely knew, half-naked. She was exactly that kind of girl right now.

“Baby, you need to give us guys more of a chance than that. You have to remember that around women like you most of our blood supply heads south and the caveman takes over. Hit them in the head with a club, throw them over our shoulder, and take them back to the cave and fuck them until they don’t want anything else is the way most of us think, if we even think at all,” Hal told her. He couldn’t wait to tell Mel about this.

R.J. wanted to spank Hal now. Talk about side trips… Time to refocus on the task at hand, and did he have his hands full of it.

Hal tightened his hands around both of Lena’s thighs and lifted her, pulling her even closer. There were just two thin pieces of material between him and heaven. “Put your arms around my neck, baby. Time to take this somewhere more comfortable,” Hal said, standing and heading back to the bedroom.

Chapter Five

Lena wrapped her legs around Hal’s hips and laid her head on his shoulder. He walked into the bedroom, kicking the door open, and carried her over to the bed. There he sat and slid his hands up her back, lifting her camisole as he did. “This needs to come off,” he said, looking toward the door where R.J. was standing.

Lena turned her head away from Hal and saw R.J. leaning against the doorframe. “Aren’t you going to join us?” she asked, her voice low and husky with need.

“I wasn’t sure you wanted me. You both seem so cozy,” he answered, not moving.

Hal rolled his eyes. He wasn’t sure why R.J. had decided to be a drama queen all of a sudden, but he was going to let Lena handle it.

“It would be cozier if you were over here with us,” Lena told him, smiling and reaching out one hand toward him.

R.J. was still naked and he came up behind Lena, kneeling on the floor. She let herself lean back, resting her back and shoulders against his chest. She turned her face to him. “Kiss me.”

Hal still had his hands on her back under her top and when R.J. lifted his face from hers, he quickly pulled it off of her. “Beautiful,” he said, turning her to face R.J. “Look at how pretty these breasts are,” he said to R.J. as he reached around her and cupped each breast in his hand, lifting them for R.J. to see.