“You don’t need to do that. Huang sent his message. They won’t be back tonight,” Nicole argued, when Paul insisted she would not stay alone until the window was secure. “This really isn’t necessary,” Nicole continued to argue.

“And I say it is. Since I’m the security expert and you’re the client, I win.”

“But…” Nicole tried one more time.

“Nope, not having it. All you need to decide is where we’re ordering dinner from. Other than that, we’re done.”

Nicole knew continuing to argue wouldn’t get her any further, so she found her stash of take-out menus and laid the selection out on her coffee table. “What would you like?” she asked, trying not to be too snarky.

Paul smiled at her tone of voice. Too bad she wasn’t his. She’d have been over his knee and he’d have reddened that ass so fast.

She had the perfect ass for spanking. Round with just the right amount of bounce. He couldn’t stand a stick-figure woman. He liked them with a little meat on their bones. What most women considered ‘fat’ he thought was perfect.

He was a big man and liked lush, something to hold on to. A nice breast to cushion his head, round hips to hold on to while he was fucking them. A little jiggle when they walked.

He needed to curb his thoughts, or he was going to have a problem on his hands he wouldn’t be able to do anything about. Her couch was nice, but it was short, and he could tell sleeping on it was not going to be as comfortable as the king-sized bed waiting in his hotel room would be. And sleeping anywhere with a hard-on was not his goal for the evening.

He’d slept in worse places though. While he was in the service, he’d spent more nights in a hole in the sand than he’d ever care to admit. He’d cope.

After dinner, Nicole again tried again to convince him that she would be okay. “I’ll sleep with my phone. I’ll program your number in it and call you the minute anything happens.”

“Not happening. My hotel is twenty minutes away. Twenty minutes too far if you’re in trouble. Even the police would take several minutes to get here. Do you know what could happen in that time? Do I need to tell you what could happen?” Paul sat calmly on the couch while Nicole paced the floor trying to convince him she’d be okay.

“You are so frustrating,” she finally said, plopping down on the couch beside him and crossing her arms over her chest under her breasts.

The action pushed her breasts up, deepening the cleavage on her V-neck t-shirt.

“You have no idea,” Paul replied with a chuckle.

He slid one arm along the back of the couch and cupped the shoulder farthest from him. “Relax and watch the movie. You’ve missed half of it. My only concern is your safety.”

“Don’t you need to go to the hotel and get a change of clothes or something?”

“Nope. Go bag in my truck.”

“Go bag?”

“I learned long ago to keep a change of clothes with me at all times. The army teaches you lots of things.” Paul was starting to have fun with her.

“You should check in with your boss…”

“Cell phone.”

“Your contacts?”

“Again, cell phone.” The grin on Paul’s face was getting broader.

“Look, sweetheart, no matter what excuse you come up with, I’m going to have an answer to it. Nothing’s going to happen here tonight. Watch the movie.”

Nicole nodded with a “hrmph,” and turned her eyes to the television.

“How did the army teach you to keep a change of clothes all the time?”

“My first lesson was when I was in Afghanistan. We were camping out and had all our gear and spare clothes at camp. We were sent out on a mission. When we got back everything was gone. All we had was the clothes on our backs for over a week until we could get supplies dropped. Living in the same clothes in the desert for that long wasn’t terrible, as long as you were downwind, but boy were we glad when they were able to drop supplies. We all learned that day to always keep a spare set of fatigues with us, along with a few other things.”

“I can imagine.” Nicole let herself lean back for a few minutes. Suddenly she sat forward and started to get up.

“Where are you going now?” Paul reached out a hand to pull her back down.