Colleen came back with the water and smiled. “Oh! Is that one of Kristen’s books?” she asked, when she noticed the paperback in Nicole’s hands.

“Yes, have you read any of hers?” Nicole asked, marking her page and closing the book.

Colleen nodded vigorously. “Every one of them. She’s so sweet. I just love her stories.”

“Wait. You know her?”

Colleen nodded, then went to answer the ringing phone. Even though the room was small, she spoke too softly for Nicole to hear.

Nicole didn’t want to seem like she was listening, so she opened the water and after taking a small sip and recapping the bottle, she turned back to her book.

She was just starting to get into the story when the sound of a door opening startled her. Several large men came into the area, all tall and very attractive. The man who appeared to be the leader of the group moved to the receptionist and spoke with her for a moment.

Nicole couldn’t hear much of what was said but gathered that they were there for a meeting also. There weren’t enough seats for all of them so several of the men lined up against the wall with a couple taking chairs.

Nicole looked around and saw there were six men, all well over six feet. The tallest had to be close to seven feet. The room suddenly seemed smaller. She laid her book in her lap.

One of the men nodded to her as he took the place next to where she’d set her purse. She realized her bag was taking up one place and quickly moved it to her lap.

“No worries, Ma’am, we’re used to standing. Thank you, though,” the tallest man said with a twinkling smile that would melt many a woman’s hearts. Nicole’s heart did a little jump of its own.

It was only a few minutes before Brody Evans came into the office, again carrying a large white package.

“What’s Fancy made up for us today?” Colleen asked as he set the box on her desk.

“There’s an assortment of treats in there. Boss-man asked for some extras for the meeting,” he answered with a smile.

He took the container and headed down the hall. Nicole had to admit the smell had her mouth watering.

He glanced at her before he moved away and said, “I’ll be with you in just a minute, Ms. Swafford.”

Within five minutes, Ian Sawyer entered the lobby, striding up to the tallest man and shaking his hand. “Darrall, glad you could make it. I see you have some new faces with you. If you’ll accompany me to the conference room, we’ll get started.”

Ian reached his hand to Nicole. “Ms. Swafford, please.” He turned and swept his hand for her to accompany him.

Nicole followed with all the men trailing behind her. Ian opened the door to a large room. Brody was standing just inside the door and pulled out a chair for her. The other men followed her in and took seats around the table.

On the table was the white box Brody had been carrying, and a tray containing coffee, cups, water and a few cans of soda.

Once everyone had taken their places, Ian began the meeting. “Gentlemen, this is Nicole Swafford,” he said, gesturing toward her.

The tallest man stood. “Ms. Swafford, I’m Darrall Forrest. I, along with several others, am Forrest Security. We’re contractors providing similar services to those that Ian and Trident provide. We also have some government contracts and contacts that Trident hasn’t acquired at this time.” Darrall was a large dark skinned man and had the build of a football player. Nicole didn’t know for sure, but he appeared to be about forty years old and had the kindest eye

s she’d ever seen.

Ian took over. “I called Darrall because they’ve been working cases comparable to yours, and they have some contacts in China that will be useful for finding your son. I’m more than happy to continue your case, and, regardless of what you decide, Trident will always be available to you for any assistance you may need.

“I advise you to talk with Darrall and his team. Please understand that I am not abandoning you, nor am I turning down your case. Darrall and his team are here to assist us and you in achieving your goal.

“I feel that this may be the most expedient way to accomplish that. Please, take as long as you need. The conference room is yours until you no longer need it. If you require anything at all, please feel free to make one of my staff aware, and we will do our best to accommodate you.”

He moved over to Nicole and squeezed one of her shoulders. “Devon and I will be here for you every step of the way. Talk with Darrall and his crew. I think they can help you better than we can.”

He started to move out of the room then turned quickly before he opened the door. “Feel free to help yourself to the treats, coffee, and water.” He reached and grabbed one of the small confections before exiting.

The men quickly passed the box around followed by the tray with coffee and water. Nicole grabbed a small muffin and napkin before passing it on.

While they were enjoying their coffees and cakes, Darrall began talking. First, he introduced each man on the team. Nicole was sure she would never remember all their names, let alone the monikers they went by, but nodded and murmured, “Hello,” to each man.