“What about insurance and your parent’s house?” River asked.

“The insurance money was used to pay the hospital bills. There was nothing left. The bank took the house. I was able to get a few things out and put in storage. Almost everything was gone through. The house sat empty for a long time and had been vandalized. Everything of value was either ruined or stolen. The police said they couldn’t find anything.”

Rock made a mental note to contact some of his police friends and find out what he could. If there was anything Angie should have been given, he would get it to her. Now was not the time to say anything though and he continued listening.

“While we were waiting for all the paperwork to go through, he was with me as often as I could have him. The first thing I did was buy the house so Todd and I would have a place to live. I’ve tried to live very frugally so that the money will last. Instead of going to college I decided to make a home for myself and Todd. Neither one of us has anyone else.”

“What made you settle here?” Hunter asked. When she had told them about Henry, she’d told them that she had been moved around in the foster system.

“It’s where Todd was. After I moved out of the last foster home they moved him again, and he ended up here. He had started in preschool and was doing well. I didn’t want to move him to another school so soon and take him away from friends. I found a house that I loved here, and so, here we are,” Angie explained.

“What about your brother?” Sawyer asked.

“Thomas was already in jail when Mom and my dad were killed. My mom was married to Thomas’s dad first. Thomas is nine years older than me. We got along okay before he started the drugs. I don’t remember a lot. After he got into drinking and the drugs, he was always picking on me and teasing me. Then he started getting in trouble. He always resented the fact that mom remarried and his dad was gone. He called me a spoiled little bitch and wasn’t very nice to me. After the last time I saw him, I didn’t expect him to contact me. It didn’t go very well. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that he needs money. If he’s back with his old gang and back into what he was before, it won’t be long before he’s back in prison.” Angie took another sip of her wine.

“What happened when he visited the house yesterday?” Hunter asked.

Was it just a day ago that had happened? It seems like such a long time ago. Angie yawned. “He must have been released from jail and somehow found me. It could be Mom and Dad’s lawyer that told him where to find me. He has my address and forwarded several letters that Thomas wrote while he was in prison to me. He may have given Thomas my address. Thomas thinks I got all the money from the sale of the house and the insurance. He doesn’t understand that nothing was left and I’m spending what my grandmother left me. I’m pretty sure he’s doing drugs again and needs money for that. He was almost manic.”

“Did you call the police and let them know he was harassing you?” Hunter pulled a blanket out of a compartment in the furniture and spread it over Angie when he saw her shiver.

“No. I don’t want to get him in trouble. I just want him to leave me alone. He’s the only family I have left. But if he’s going to be a danger to me and Todd, I just want him gone. I’d help him if I thought he wanted it. I can’t give him a lot of money, but I’d help him get into a program or something. There’s enough for that.” Angie pulled the blanket up to her shoulders.

“Do you think he’s the one that vandalized your house?” River was the one speaking this time.

“I don’t know. It could have been. I don’t know of anyone else that would have done that. ” Angie felt herself starting to tear up. She’d tried to do the right thing, but what if she hadn’t? What if something happened and Todd had to go back in the system? She couldn’t let that happen.

Rock got up and walked over to Angie, leaning down and giving her a big hug. “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll help you get it figured out. You and Todd have us now. You’re not so alone anymore.”

“Why would you do that for us? Thank you, but you don’t really know us.” Angie returned the hug, and Rock sat back next to her.

“Angie, we like you. We like you a lot and want to get to know you and Todd better. We want to be friends and maybe even more eventually. We know you’re the type of person who doesn’t abandon someone who needs and loves you. We know you’ll sacrifice to do what you need to. Look at what you’ve done for Todd already. There aren’t many twenty-year-olds that would take on the responsibility of a small child and everything that goes with it,” River said softly. “I know we’re all older than you, and I hope that doesn’t bother you. You seem so mature for your age that I don’t think the difference will bother us. Will it bother you?”

“No. I’ve always been attracted to older men, and you don’t seem to be that much older than me.” Angie wasn’t sure how old they were.

“Rock and I are thirty-four,” River answered and moved to where he could hold her hand.

“I’m thirty-two,” Sawyer answered.

“And I’m thirty,” Hunter commented next.

“That’s not that much older,” Angie answered and gave each of them a big smile.

“We can tell who you are just by your actions and how much you care for Todd. Actions say a lot about people. And yours tell us who you are and that we’d like to get to know you better. A lot better.” Hunter reached over took her lips in a deep kiss. “I like kissing you,” he said and picked up her empty wine glass. “Would you like more?”

“No thank you. Todd will wake up early, and he’ll want me up with him. I’m just tired and would like to go to bed now if you don’t mind.” Angie yawned and found the button to sit the chair up.

“Come on, we’ll walk you up to your room.” Sawyer reached for her hand and pulled her up while River folded the blanket she had been using.

All four of the men walked her up the stairs. Sawyer kept hold of her hand until they got to her bedroom door. “Good night, beautiful. If you need anything we’ll be at the other end of the hall. Just call out and one of us will be here.” He brushed a soft kiss against her lips and stepped away so that Hunter could take his place.

“Thank you for sharing your story with us. Todd will be so much better off for having you in his life. Sleep well, darling. Call if you need us.” He pulled her into his embrace and brushed a kiss against her lips then handed her to River.

“We’re all here for you and Todd. Try and get some rest.” He hugged and kissed her gently then turned her to Rock.

“Everything my brothers said and more. We are all starting to care for both you and Todd. Anything you need, you call us.” He then kissed her hard and deep and pushed her into the room, shutting the door behind her.

Chapter Nine