Page 5 of Shattering Desire

Good job. She hurt her best friend’s feelings. But she could make it right. Sadly, she still had to possibly hurt Gavin’s feelings. As if he would care. He probably didn’t take her seriously anyway. It’s not as if he really wished to attend a wedding reception with her. An old hag. He’d be relieved.

So… three hours later after gratefully accepting the meds, water, juice, and toast Beverly provided, and an extended nap, Lanie joined her by the pool and humbly conceded, “I don’t deserve you.”

“Stop. Stop it right now. Not a one of us is blessed enough to have you in our lives or deserves you,” Beverly retorted. Sitting beneath an umbrella situated in a shady area, she waved for Lanie to take a lounger. “You aren’t cursed with my never able to tan and impossibly freckling skin. Sit in the sun. You need the additional vitamin C. Or is it D? Either way, get some.”

Unladylike and somewhat vulgarly Lanie straddled the sun chaise and slumped into it. “I know you ran out. What did you get? Mimosas?”

“I got a little of everything. The cashier asked where the party was,” She laughed. “I didn’t know what your chosen poison might be. But if it’s a mimosa… got it. Sit tight. One ‘large and potent’ mimosa coming right up.”

Closing her eyes and appreciating the warm sun on her face, Lanie debated about how much to share with Beverly. She worried about what to say to Gavin to get out of him attending the reception with her.

“So, I’ve waited long enough… what the heck were you up to since we last texted yesterday afternoon? She handed over a champagne flute, while her face demanded the deets.

Lifting the glass to her lips, Lanie savored the hint of orange juice, smooth peach schnapps, and the majority of champagne in her drink. If she said too much, she would subject herself to an interrogation. “There’s nothing to tell,” she stated.

Beverly snapped her arms across her torso and under her boobs. She included a thrust of her hip as well. Her eyes narrowed and her lips parted as she waited for additional information.

“Don’t get like that,” Lanie griped as she drained her glass. “There’s nothing to tell. You encouraged me to go shopping and buy something that would make me feel good about myself for the reception. And I did.”

“That is what you bought for the reception? I meant like a dress, or shoes… jewelry,” Beverly responded.

Rolling her eyes, Lanie stretched out her arm and swung her empty glass. “You didn’t specify. I have a dress and shoes I plan on wearing. Which are tasteful and classic. I think they needed a ‘pop’. As in a striking pair of hose. I don’t plan on anyone learning about the garter belt. It will be my little secret.”

Taking the empty glass reluctantly, Beverly shrugged. “If you say so.” Strutting to the outside kitchen, she refilled the glass and went about making herself a bourbon on the rocks. “The shoes and dress I picked up from the floor are what you decided on?”

“Gosh no,” she blurted. Oh great. She could have let Beverly continue believing that’s why those items were on the floor. She’d been trying them on. She hadn’t gone anywhere. She stayed at home going through her closet. And she drank too much wine while doing so. That’s why she had a hangover.

But luckily her friend misunderstood her quick rebuff regarding the discarded articles. Returning with the drinks. Beverly placed them on the poolside table and took the lounger beside hers. “I know you would never pair up pink and black like that. I’m happy you bought the lingerie. It’s a fabulous idea. Hell, maybe I’ll do it too.”

Relieved she avoided a freaking hailstorm of questions and possible unwanted judgment, she engaged in an afternoon of gossip, laughter, and alcohol with her truest friend. The sun began to lower, and the pool area lost its daytime vibrancy, Beverly fumbled for her phone. “I’m texting Gary to come by and get me on his way home. I hate to go. We are scheduled for an early tee-time with the Fielding’s in the morning.”

A pang of loss and jealousy jabbed at her. For a second. Sure, she sometimes missed having a life and schedule inundated with mingling and entertaining. On the other hand, she didn’t miss it. Rubbing elbows with David’s business partners, clients, their significant others, and always playing a role—not for a second. All the women, except Beverly, were catty and insincere.

“Thank goodness I caught him just as he was driving up to Dexter Road. He hadn’t passed the turnoff yet. He’ll be here in five.” Bounding up from her seat, she darted to the counter and started clearing it. Placing the liquor in the cabinet, she washed her glass and the mimosa pitcher. “I had so much fun today. Sorry to rush out.”

Be it the alcohol, the hangover, both, or because she felt the urge, Lanie confided, “I did meet a man. I met him out last night, and after having some wine… I asked him to accompany me to the reception.”

Releasing an exasperated sigh, Beverly rolled her eyes. “I saidfive. As in I’ve spent three minutes picking up, so you didn’t have to.” She strutted around the island and fisted her hands at her hips. “So… you met a guy last night. Did you go to the club? By yourself?”

As if she would ever go to the country club bar by herself. And especially not since the divorce. “No. I said I met a guy. Then I met up with him last night. While he was working. And we just talked and got to know each other. He is great—,”

Interrupting, Beverly interrogated, “You met a guy? Out yesterday? And then you met up with him again? While he was working? What kind of career does he have that has him working at night and allowed him time to ‘meet up’?”

She felt as if she had something she should be ashamed over? Shit, she hadn’t even shared the shocking part yet. But it dawned on her what Beverly deduced. She thought Lanie met up with him for sex. “No. No. It wasn’t anything like that,” she replied. They didn’t have enough time to truly discuss it. So, she’d rather not.

But what if she had met up with him for sex? Big damn deal. She and Gavin were both adults. And since when would Beverly, her free-spirited, love child, sex and more sex for everyone friend condemn her for it? Maybe she hurt Bev’s feelings by not confiding in her sooner especially since she blew up her phone yesterday with mega texts and calls.

“He’s the bar manager at Raphael’s. When we’re together, we can’t stop talking. We have a lot in common. He’s traveled a lot. It was nice to be that comfortable with someone. A man,” Lanie elaborated.

Beverly appeared downright nervous. She wouldn’t make eye contact and she fidgeted shifting her weight one hip to the other and rolling her fingertips together. “And after a day meeting him you invite him to come to the reception. Where everyone you know, including David, will be in attendance. Why would you do that?”

Wow. Her best friend’s disapproval left Lanie speechless. And she hadn’t even shared the most disturbing part yet—the age factor. And to think she initially planned to tell Beverly she needed to uninvite and ask for her advice. No way in hell now.

Gary stepped through the opened glass doors onto the patio. Observing their tension, he waved and said he’d be in the house watching the game.

Yep, Beverly had her fierce bitch face on. And Lanie sat sideways in the lounger, her feet planted firmly on the ground, and her arms crossed stiffly across her torso.

“I can’t believe you. What is your problem. You urge me to meet someone and then when I do you disapprove,” Lanie countered.

Beverly sighed and softened. “It’s just you went from zero to asking a guy you barely know to what surely is going to be somewhat uncomfortable for you.”

“Why should it be uncomfortable for me? Everyone accepts David and Denise and has for months. But if I am moving on it’s wrong somehow?”

“No. I’m happy for you. We all will be. It came as a shocker. That’s all.” Coming closer, Beverly signaled for Lanie to stand, and she pulled her in for a hug. “I’m sorry. Thanks again for a great day. Let me go pull Gary away from the game and get him home.” She leaned back and half-heartedly smiled. “With the way dating is nowadays, who’s to say you’ll still be talking to him by the end of next week.”

Ouch. What bug crawled up Bev’s ass? What a terrible thing to say. Then again, it would be one way for Lanie to break the date.