Page 20 of Shattering Desire

Lanie couldn’t denythat his words set her on fire. It had been a long day and evening without having sex with him. Her body hummed to life in anticipation.

* * *

The next severalweeks went by at what seemed like lightning speed. The launch of the theme nights at the bar became a great success. A lot of work, but a lot of fun, and she gained huge satisfaction in it. Wearing costumes proved to be a competition with the staff. They certainly were an original and stimulating bunch.

One week they highlighted Paris. They amped up their creativity skills. One server dressed as a French artist. Tara dressed as Marie Antoinette. Someone else as a French chef. Lanie went as Mona Lisa because she hangs in the Louvre. Gavin as a mime. And he annoyed her and the rest of the staff the entire night.

On Holland night, they weren’t as diverse. She and Tara wore wooden shoes, aprons, bonnets and pigtails. The guys dressed in blousy black pants, white shirts, scarf, hat, and wooden shoes.

She couldn’t remember being as happy and fulfilled since before Hunter reached his independent teen years. That period, once he did, sucked. At times it did anyway. He became secretive. He became distant and shunned her and her love. She certainly didn’t resent him for it, it’s expected. Doesn’t make it hurt any less.

Hard to believe Hunter finished the semester the upcoming week and planned to come home for a few days before he went out West. He worked summers at David’s parent’s hardware store in Colorado. He never took to the beach or water activities. So, living in Florida and enduring the summer heat didn’t appeal to him. She couldn’t wait to see him.

She let Hunter know she had a job now and needed the dates he planned to stay with her because she wanted to be off those days. Luckily it didn’t fall on a Thursday. Gavin had started staying with her at her house on the weekends. Well, their weekends. Which were two separate nights which usually fell on a Sunday and a Tuesday. He didn’t mention meeting Hunter. And she appreciated it. Having him stay at her place had been a tough decision. It seemed wrong that it did.

It troubled her that it bothered her. Yes, she lived in her and David’s and Hunter’s home. She used to make love with David in the bed she currently made love with Gavin in. But now she loved sex. She no longer dreaded sex, not that she had with David. But for years, it became more of a chore with David. A responsibility. With Gavin, she instigated it as often as he did. She didn’t inwardly cringe when he prompted it. And she didn’t checkout during it. She savored every simple touch and motion. She wanted to be present.

It also drove her crazy that she even made comparisons between her relationships with David and Gavin. Why did David continue to creep into her thoughts? Because she wronged him. She realized it now. She left him long before their divorce. And she couldn’t comprehend why. Not that she wanted him back. But who had she once been? Then became. And now was. They were so very different.

As good as things were, why did the nagging worries plague her? She still hadn’t spoken to Bev. She and Gavin never spoke about the night of the reception either. She more or less walked out on her life before Gavin. No trips to the club. No tennis. No one besides him. She hadn’t been happier in ages. But it sometimes felt as if she entered someone else’s life.

Could she say without hesitation that what she had with Gavin was real and would last? She could say that she intended to enjoy it while it lasted. But she never envisioned a future with him and Hunter. And her future included Hunter. She wanted grandchildren. Not within the next ten years. But Gavin had no children. Shouldn’t he start with his own offspring before thrusting himself into being a grandfather.

There were occasions when they lay in bed worshipping each other’s bodies or after they finished an intense session of sex, that she saw sadness and regret behind the evident adoration and affection She’d ask him if he had something on his mind, but he denied it and lavished her with more attention and doted on her as if it might be their last time together.

Her intuition warned her. Even if she couldn’t pinpoint it, she realized that the first brick in her Camelot weakened. Her Camelot began to crumble.