Page 1 of Shattering Desire


Twisting the hangar in her hand and eying the lacy, ornate garter belt, Lanie nodded to herself and quickly thrust it under her arm. Never had she worn one outside of the bedroom. But she decided to do it. She refused to attend Martha’swedding reception as the weary, defeated, middle-aged divorcee. No. Not gonna happen.

“I apologize if I’m being too bold… and I’m not a perv and don’t mean anything disrespectful,” a man said in a lowered voice— a mesmerizing, delicious, husky voice.

Lanie stiffened and tightened her hold on the lingerie tucked into her side. Turning toward the voice, her breath caught. Good golly, Miss Molly. The beautiful hunk of a hottie in front of her couldn’t be speaking to her. She glanced over her shoulder and saw no one else.

He winked at her. Long eyelashes flapped over a deep, blue eye. “You have impeccable taste. Your selection is stunning. And I’m sure you will do it justice.”

Huh. Stunning and justice. Yep. She heard him say it.

He chuckled. “The garter belt. It is the one I would choose.”

Oh shit. The garter belt. The stunning and justice article she tried to hide. Justice?She couldn’t stop staring at him. Her eyes went wide, and she held them as if the action would shake her out of her daze and force words from her mouth. No words came.

He had a black t-shirt on over his solid chest paired with a pair of jeans. Dark brown, almost black, wispy, hair haloed his perfect head. He didn’t have a neat, trim cut, but one she normally accredited to the free-spirited ‘younger generation’. It fell below his ears, and she imagined running her fingers through it. And his ‘five o’clock shadow’ made her knees weak. More of a short beard.

Reaching out, he clutched and released her upper arm. He gave it a kind of a quick pump. She swore his touch transmitted bursts of energy—okay, sexual energy through her entire body and mind. He commented, “Whatever the occasion… hell, there doesn’t have to be an occasion. Enjoy yourself. Celebrate.” He went to go by her, but dumbstruck, she never stepped out of his path, and he bumped into her shoulder. His fingers touched the back of her neck. “Sorry about that. You alright? You seem preoccupied.”

Tilting her head, she gazed up and into his suddenly serious expression. What did he ask her? Fiddling with the strap on her purse, she tore her eyes from him. “Yes… yes. I am a little preoccupied.”

Lifting his wrist, he looked at his watch. “I have a while before an appointment. Would you like to grab a coffee? I’ve been told I’m an excellent listener.”

Did she pass out and bump her head? He had to be twenty years younger than her. In his very early thirties. And she. Well, old enough to be his mother.

Shrugging, he explained, “I totally sound like a creeper. Or a dude attempting a poorly executed pickup. But I’m not. I’m going to get a coffee and sit and blow some time. And I enjoy meeting and talking with new people.” Lifting his hand, he offered it to her for a handshake. “I suppose it comes from being a bartender. I’m Gavin.”

She debated. They were in a public shopping mall. Unless he had a gun hidden somewhere inside his fitted shirt or shoved inside the back of his jeans, he didn’t present any apparent threat. When had she last shared a conversation with someone other than her close girlfriends who handled her with kid gloves and always steered the conversation back to her and David’s divorce? And, who in their right mind would say ‘no’ to this sexy morsel of prime man-meat?

“Sure. How about I make my purchases and meet you at Starbucks,” she replied.

Grasping her hand as she never accepted his shake, he delivered a firm shake and said, “I look forward to it—” He leaned lower and peered at her in expectation. Expectation? What had she missed?

Oh, her name. “I’m Elaine…Lanie.”

He winked at her again. “Nice to meet you, Lanie. See you shortly.”

Standing where he left her bewildered, she chuckled. Damn, what a weird day. Hell, she planned to enjoy it. Headed for the checkout, she glimpsed herself in one of the thousand mirrors in the store. Ugh. She could’ve looked worse. It’s not as if she ever left the house without applying her makeup, in case she ran into a friend of hers or David’s. Couldn’t have anyone gossiping about how depressed and forlorn she appeared. But her leggings and oversized, unflattering shirt weren’t her best look.

Running her fingers through her drab, brown, shoulder-length hair, she wondered if she should get her hair colored. Freshen it up.

She half hoped, half feared, Gavin wouldn’t be waiting on her at Starbucks. No escape. No chance. He stood and rushed her as she came closer. “I didn’t get your order before I left you. What is your preferred drink?” he asked.

Why had she agreed to this again? Stupid. Out of character. Insane. “Just a coffee…black,” she answered.

Waving her to his table, he pulled out a chair for her. “Have a seat and I’ll be right back with it.”

She accepted the seat and huffed out a huge sigh as she sat.

“Really? Can sharing a coffee and some conversation with me honestly be so dreadful?” he taunted.

Shit.You’re wearing your heart on your sleeve again, Lanie. Where it’s easily accessible and easily ripped to shreds.“No. No. This is just rather awkward for me,” she defended.

Holding up his pointer finger, he urged, “Hold that thought. Let me get your coffee.”

He sprinted to the counter, and she focused on his tight, nice ass. Gee. She hadn’t had sex in way too long. And she wouldn’t have it now. And certainly not with him.

When had she last envisioned having sex? Or wanted it?