“Where’s your mother now?”
“Dead.”Returning to her seat, Quinn placed the drink on a coaster but kept both hands wrapped around the glass.“The lie she told started a pack war.The alpha she accused of getting her pregnant was already mated.Back then, it wasn’t uncommon for alphas to take more than one female, at least in her pack.The more females an alpha acquired, the more offspring.The more offspring, the bigger the pack.If Mom had accused one of our alphas of being the father, it wouldn’t have caused such an uproar.The pup – me – would have been an added number.With Trenton being half human, there was no way he would be accepted.Mom knew if they were found out, Dad would be killed, so during a pack run, she claimed she wasn’t feeling well.With most everyone away from the lodge, she took a chance and ran.”
Kyllian canted his head.“I take it since you’re alive, she managed to get away?”
“For a while.The gestation period for our kind is typically around three months.She and my father made plans as soon as she knew she was pregnant.He left a car with friends of his.He didn’t share Mom’s true nature with Mack and Carmen.He only said she was in a bad situation, and they agreed to help.What none of them planned on was my grandfather coming after them with his enforcers.”
“Your grandfather?”
“Yes.Dennis, her pack Alpha, was my mom’s sire.She made her way to the car and took off to meet Trenton.They then headed east, putting as much distance between themselves and River Canyon as possible.Not only was my grandfather Alpha, he was an excellent tracker.He followed Mom’s scent to Mack’s house.Neither he nor Carmen knew where my parents were, but that didn’t stop my grandfather.His enforcers were able to get Trenton’s name from Mack’s phone.Dennis had a lot of people, human and wolfkind, in his pocket.He paid someone to trace Trenton’s phone.Dad was smart enough to ditch it quickly, but by that time, Dennis knew which direction they were headed.”
Quinn hated thinking about the next part, but Kyllian needed the whole story.“My parents didn’t know my grandfather found Mack and Carmen.They had agreed to no contact after my mother retrieved the car, so they didn’t think anything of it when they didn’t hear from Mack.It wasn’t until after I was born that Dad reached out to them.When he called, the phone was no longer in service.Dad found out about his friends’ brutal death online.Dad was ex-military and had a few connections of his own.They managed to stay off-grid, moving every couple of months.I was three when they felt enough time had passed and they could relax.”Quinn closed her eyes, bringing up the image of her beautiful mother.She didn’t remember her exactly, but Trenton kept photos of Finola upstairs in an album.
“Long story short, they let their guard down, but Dennis never stopped searching.Mom had gone to the grocery store when one of the pack’s trackers found her.When she didn’t come home, Dad knew.Even after three years, they texted constantly, checking in.He put me in the car and drove to the next town over.He parked at the mall in a designated area and waited.After an hour, he got on the road again.When Mom didn’t reach out to him, he kept going.Trenton went back to moving every month or so, zigzagging across the country.I lived in twenty states by the time I was seven.”
“How long ago was that?”Kyllian asked when Quinn downed the last of her bourbon.
“Thirty-three years.”
“So why now?Why wait all this time to come after you?”
“That’s the million-dollar question.Maybe it took this long for them to locate us, or hell, it could be any number of reasons, if it is even them.”
“Who else could it be?”
There was one other explanation, but Quinn didn’t want to think about it.Instead, she shrugged.“Other mercenary groups?Ours isn’t the only one out there; you know that.Maybe Nexus didn’t appreciate me taking the Hounds away from them.”
“Have there been threats?Dead cats on your porch?How do you know someone’s after you?”
If Quinn were a weaker female, she wouldn’t appreciate the cat remark.Being a shifter, she was far from squeamish.“Several bikers have shown up in town, and they aren’t from any of the local MCs.”When Kyllian narrowed his eyes, she said, “I didn’t mention the pack is also one of the largest MCs in New Mexico.At least they were when Mom was there.”
“Random bikers shouldn’t be cause for concern.The Hounds travel all over as do any number of other clubs.Are these visiting bikers wearing your pack’s kuttes?”
“That’s just it.They aren’t wearing any colors, at least none Trenton has seen.”
“I’m guessing he didn’t recognize any of them.”Quinn shook her head.“And you haven’t seen them for yourself?”
Quinn leaned back in her chair.“No.I don’t leave the property.”
“But you’re a shifter.That can’t be good for your Wolf,” Kyllian argued.
“I didn’t say I don’t leave the house.It’s why we own so much land.When I was younger and we moved around often, I went a long time without being able to let the wolf out to run.It took its toll on me and, in turn, my dad.”Quinn hated thinking about those years.She had been a girl without a mother and a wolf without a pack.She wasn’t meant to live a solitary existence.Puppy pile wasn’t some cute term.Wolves were tactile creatures, needing the comfort of others of their kind.It was why—
“Back to these bikers,” Kyllian said, interrupting her maudlin thoughts.“Have they caused trouble in town?”
“Not that we know of.”
“I’ll reach out to the president of the Savage Sons.See if these newcomers have introduced themselves.They could be rogues looking for a new club.”
Quinn’s stomach rumbled, and she felt her face blushing.“Sorry, but I skipped breakfast.Are you hungry?”
“I could eat.”
“Why don’t you grab your things, and I’ll show you to your room.While you unpack, I’ll make lunch.”
Kyllian gracefully rose to his feet.“Sounds good.”He didn’t wait on her to show him out.Quinn couldn’t stop herself from admiring the way his faded jeans hugged his ass and thick thighs.It had been too long since she had been with anyone, wolf or human.Quinn mentally chastised herself.Kyllian might be a god in a leather jacket, but he was there to protect her.Nothing more.
After showing Kyllian to the guest room, Quinn made her way to the kitchen where her dad was sitting at the table cradling a cup of tea.His color had been off ever since he noticed the bikers when he went to the store a week ago.Quinn had brushed his worry off, but Trenton wouldn’t let it go.Figuring Kyllian’s Gryphon had exceptional hearing, she didn’t get into their conversation with her dad.Instead, she set about making lunch for the three of them.