Page 89 of Just for You



I stared at the ceiling.

A young guy, who introduced himself as Turnip, had arrived a couple hours ago to pick up Manic’s truck. I had kind of thought Manic would come tonight, and the disappointment had been sharp.

I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I hadn’t wanted to leave today.

Everything that had happened, the way I’d sent him away…Part of that had been for the reasons I’d told him, but needing space to work through everything hadn’t been the only reason.

I’d told him about my past, about my PTSD, and then I’d pushed him away. I’d given him the opportunity to escape me and my messy life. I’d offered him an out, and he hadn’t taken it, had he?

No, he’d texted me every day, held me every night without demanding anything from me in return, taking the scraps I’d given him while I got my head straight.

I sat up as my phone chimed, knowing who it would be from before I had a chance to look at it.

Manic:Night, baby. You need me, you know where I am, waiting for you. I’ll always be waiting, cupcake, no matter how long it takes.

I blinked down at his message.

Isn’t being together, however long that is, worth the risk?

His words flew through my mind. God, it was. It was so worth the risk. I shoved the covers back and flew out of bed.

I didn’t bother changing out of my pj’s. I shoved my feet in my boots, pulled on my jacket, grabbed my keys, and ran out the door. The chill night air instantly hit me, and I breathed it in as I climbed into my car. My head was clear, and my heart was sure. I needed to be with Manic. I needed that, him, more than anything else.

The sky was cloudless and full of stars, the moon huge, and I knew when I walked into his room, I’d see him lying there, bathed in moonlight. Waiting for me. Like he said. Like he had been for the last month.

I shook with anticipation, excited as I got out of my car and rushed to the front door. I shoved my hand in my jacket pocket—

“Goddammit.” The keys weren’t there.

Knocking on the door was an option. He was injured and I wanted to go to him. He’d been chasing me for so long while I ran. It was my turn to show him how I felt, to tell him, because this was different, this wasn’t just me wordlessly climbing into his bed and taking the comfort he offered, not this time.

Then I spotted the living room window, it was slightly ajar.Yes. I would not let something as stupid as forgetting his keys ruin this moment.

Rushing to the backyard, I found a crate and jogged back to the window. Sliding my hand along the gap, I pulled the window open as quietly as I could.

Climbing up, I wedged myself through—and tumbled to the floor, knocking over the small table under it with a crash.

Manic stormed in.

The light came on, and I squinted up at him. “Uh…hey.”

“What the fuck are you doing on the floor?” He rushed over.

He was in only his boxer briefs, and despite the bruises and scrapes, this time, I had no trouble appreciating the sight of his body. This time, I allowed myself to take in every gorgeous inch. I should be telling him why I was there, that I was sorry for pushing him away, that I wanted to give it another shot, but all I could think about was kissing him.

He lifted me off the floor with strong hands and planted me on my feet. Then he stared down at me, brows low. “Where’s your key?”

“I forgot it.” I pressed my hands to his chest.

He sucked in a breath. “Why didn’t you knock?” he rumbled.

I licked my lips. “Because I needed to be the one to come to you.”

He searched my gaze. “Yeah? Why’s that, cupcake?”