Page 34 of Just for You

More hugging and introductions. Addie was pink-cheeked and still reserved—and pretty as fuck. I kept hold of her hand while we all talked.

“Do you need some help setting up?” Addie asked when Birdie took her tray back from Hank. “I know my way around a kitchen. Put me to work.”

“Oh, thank god,” Freya said. “I’m not sure we have enough. Have you seen these guys?”

My girl laughed. “I only have Levi’s appetite to go off, but I can imagine.”

“Got a big appetite, has he?” Tuck said and winked.

Both Beau and Tuck snickered like the juvenile fuckers they were. I gave them each a shove.

“And now I see where he gets his sense of humor,” Addie added, starting to relax.

“I’m a fuck of a lot more evolved than these two,” I said.

“If you say so,” she said with a grin, then she walked off to the barn, chatting with Birdie, Freya, and Riley.

“How the fuck did you convince that beautiful young girl to go out with you?” Tucker said and smirked. “You must be what? Fifteen years older than her?”

“Eleven,” I said. “And natural charm. Something you’d know shit about.”

Tucker laughed. “I hope you plan on locking her down.”

I glanced at the barn. “I’m working on it. I don’t want to scare her off.”

“Bringing her here probably wasn’t your best decision then,” Tuck said, eyes dancing.

“Why’s that?”

He tilted his head to Hank, Cash, and Beau and pulled a face.

“Get fucked,” Beau said, laughing.

“I’d really like to, but since I’m related to pretty much everyone coming tonight, it’d just be weird.”

I shook my head at my idiot cousin.

“Just don’t be a dick, and you’ll be fine,” Beau said to me.

Cash and Hank stood there silently, as always, but without the look of confusion they used to have when the discussion turned to women.

“Nothing to add?” I asked them.

They both shook their heads…then Cash held up a finger like he’d had a lightbulb moment. “What Beau said,” he finally rumbled out.

“Well…that’s thirty seconds of our lives we’re never getting back,” Tuck said. “Wise words, Cash, as always.”

Cash shoved him, and Tuck shoved him back, then Cash put him in a headlock.

Nothing had changed.

I fucking loved these idiots.

“Right, who’s ready for a drink?” Beau said and headed for the barn.

* * *

A few hours later, the barn was full of Smiths.