Page 9 of Just for You

Then Manic.

His gaze sliced to me then his brows lifted. He grabbed the girl on his lap by the hips, lifted her off, and stood.

Heat slapped me in the face, and I quickly crouched, tossing brownies in the tin, but there was no saving them now. They were everywhere. I gave up, grabbed the container, and straightened. “Sorry, I was going to…I ah…I need to go,” I said, not looking at anyone in particular, then spun and rushed back the way I’d come, around the house and across the yard.

“Yo!” Manic called as I yanked my car door open.

I froze.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He’d seen me, they’d all seen me. There was no pretending none of this had happened. There was only one thing I could do. I plastered a smile on my face that I hoped didn’t look as maniacal as it felt and forced myself to face him. “Hey…I ah, didn’t realize you were having a party.”

He strode toward me, all huge and gorgeous and confused. “What’re you doing here, Addie?”

“Well, I ah…”Came to seduce you.I lamely lifted my brownie container with several mutilated brownies squished inside it. “Made brownies,” I said like an idiot, the humiliation making my voice louder than I intended.

“Okay,” he said, that frown on his face again.

“But I dropped them, accidentally…obviously. But you’re busy so I’m just going to…I’m gonna go ahead and leave.”

His hand curled around my arm, stopping me. “Wait a minute. What’s going on, Adds?”

I was hoping you’d lay some of your magical sex moves on me again.“Nothing.”

He frowned. “You look spooked. You okay?”

I wasn’t spooked. Stupidly, illogically, I was jealous and…hurt that he’d forgotten me already when I’d thought of nothing else but him since that night. “I’m fine.” I held up my hands, using it as an excuse to pull free from his hold, and took a step back.

He followed, and I retreated some more.

“Why’re you here, cupcake?” he said, watching me closely. “You need me for something?”

Well, yes, actually. Could you please hold me down and take me roughly?“No,” I said way too quickly, and my face heated again.


“We’re friends, right?” I blurted.

His mouth closed, and his jaw clenched, the muscle jumping. “Yeah, Addison, we’re friends.”

The way he said my full name sent a zing through my lower belly. He’d used my full name that night, and I’d thought about it, that demand in his voice, more than I’d like to admit. “Well, I made too many brownies for the café,” I lied. “And since we’re friends, and I know how much you like them, and I was feeling bad for all the times I—”

“Blew me off?” he said.

“Ah…yeah, so I thought I’d bring you the extras as a peace offering, you know, because we’re friends.” My god, I sounded like a complete idiot. How many times had I said friends? It felt like a lot.


“Sorry, they ended up all over the ground. Next time I bake more than I need, I’ll make sure you get them.”

He said nothing, just stared at me with those rich brown eyes, looking at me as if he were trying to see inside me.

“I, ah, better get going.”

His gaze searched mine. “Why don’t you stay and have a drink?”

And hang out with him and his new woman? PASS. “No, but thanks for the offer. I have cooking to do.”