Page 14 of Rising

“Fuck, yeah!” enthuses Nate, and he and Will high-five each other.

But all I see is the stress on Ruby’s face. Her phone sounds and she jumps, checking the screen. “Dan’s here. I have to go.”

Without another word to anyone, Ruby picks up her bag and heads to the door at the back of the bar.

“That’s the complication, isn’t it?” I ask Jax.

Jax doesn’t look at me. “Yeah, in more ways than one. Two secs.” He jumps up and follows. “Hey, Ruby!”

She pauses and they talk quietly for a couple of minutes, Ruby picking at the strap of her bag.

“Everything okay?” I ask Jax when he returns.

“Yeah, reminding her about the party at ours tonight.” He smiles slowly. “Wanna come?”

“Sure,” I say and the silent Bryn pulls a sour face. “What?”

“Is that a good move?” he asks.

“I’m sure with you to hold my hand, I’ll be fine.”

Besides, sober amongst a drunk group of college kids sounds like an amusing alternative to going home and fighting the nightmares about Liv.