Page 70 of Rising

“Whoa. Okay, Steve, tell me exactly what this call is about.”

“You might ignore the media, but they don’t ignore you, and when the girl you’re connected to turns up at a police station with her face messed up where’d you think the finger’s pointing?” he retorts.

The phone digs into my hand as I grip tighter. “You have to be kidding me.” No response. “Tell me you’refucking kidding.”

“Tell me you didn’t. I’m enjoying my break from dealing with the shit you guys get into.”

The world retreats as my head scrambles to catch up. “I cannotbelieve you are accusing me of this,” I say and launch into a barrage of words I normally only reserve for people like Dan. “I don’t attack women!”

“You were accused of killing one less than a year ago.”

“Too far, Steve, too fucking far!” I yell and hang up before things get really nasty.

Déjàvu. The cops will arrive on my doorstep. The media return. I sink onto the sofa and stare at the phone. The world just leapt backward several months. I can’t cope if I’m dragged into shit again. I did something good and now everything is going wrong. Why can’t the world give me a break?

* * *


I stepout of the police station with Jax, and straight into the blinding sunshine and camera flashes. Half a dozen people wait in the forecourt; a confusing crowd I barely register before I turn my back and meet Jax’s surprised eyes. People shout questions about Jem and my aching head can’t comprehend what’s happening. I’ve spent half the morning giving statements. I’ve already had my picture taken more than I’d like in the police station, and I’m exhausted and confused.

“What’s happening?” I ask Jax.

“I don’t know. Back inside.” He guides me through the sliding glass doors and into the station. I sit on an orange plastic chair in the waiting room. A police officer crosses to the door and the middle-aged man glances outside before looking back to me.

“You okay, love?” he asks.

I nod stupidly and he gives me a small smile before walking off and calling for somebody. So many kind and understanding smiles today for the beaten girl.

“I’ll find out what the hell is happening,” Jax says and heads to the door.

I want to protest he should stay out of this, but he’s already deeply involved. Besides I’ve lost my ability to cope with much more. A few minutes later, Jax returns, consternation in his blue eyes.

“What is it?” I ask.

He runs his hands into his blond fringe, pushing it from his face. “They’re saying Jem did this to you.”

“No!” I stand. “Why the fuck would they?”

“I don’t know.”

“I have to tell them!” As I make to leave, Jax grabs my sleeve.

“Don’t. We don’t know how to deal with this.”

I yank my arm away. “Jem helped me. He never wanted to help me and now he’s accused of this shit. Jem wouldn’t hurt me!”

“I know he didn’t, Ruby, but the media’s waiting for him to trip up.”

Tears spring into my eyes, at Jem’s life, at the way he’s manipulated—at what he has to fight every day. He wants to change, but the world wants to keep him demonised.

“It’s not fair! He’s a good person.” Jax opens his mouth to say something but decides against it. “Jax?”

“I’m not saying anything.”

“You don’t need to. You think I’m ignoring his bad side, don’t you? You don’t know him!”

“Do you?” asks Jax in a low voice.

I slap Jax in the chest. “Look what he’s done for us. You selfish prick!”

Jax catches my arm. “You’re vulnerable. He might take advantage. I’ve seen how he looks at you—predatory.”

“Don’t be stupid!” I snap.

“Jem Jones uses people and tosses them aside. I don’t want you getting hurt by him.”

I choke on the words I want to yell, disgusted at Jax accusing Jem of being the cliché too. Instead, without another word, I walk out of the police station away from him. I stride through the middle of the media frenzy, head high. Cameras flash as I walk by, but I’m not hiding.

There’s nothing to hide, they can say what the fuck they want. These people can follow me to the other end of the city if they want, but there’s one place I’m going.