Page 36 of Rising



Ruby’s lived herethree days and I hardly see her. We cross paths in the kitchen or lounge and exchange pleasantries, but it’s bloody weird. I’m aware she doesn’t leave the house much unless Jax is with her, but if I so much as touch on the subject of Dan, Ruby closes down. If Dan came here to find her, I’d break his fucking legs.

I don’t go out much either, I’m enjoying the down time and peace. I never thought I could but I’ve finally listened to my body and the professionals insisting I do. After a morning in the upstairs lounge, the place nobody goes, I head downstairs to grab something to eat. For once, Ruby’s out of her bedroom and in the lounge, watching TV and eating a bowl of noodles. I head over and sit on the sofa arm near her. Ruby watches me cautiously. The cut on her lip is healing but the dark bruise still covers her cheek, the others around her neck yellow.

“You feeling better?” I ask.

“Yeah. How are you?”


Awkward conversation over, she returns to her noodles. The familiar smell of spice and salt hits me. “Are you eating the instant crap? I lived on those before. They taste like shit.”

She swallows the mouthful. “Are you discussing eating habits with me, Jem Jones?”

“Just saying. At least you’re eating.” She frowns at me. “You look better.”

Ruby’s face lost the gauntness. After a couple of days eating properly she looks better, even if she’s still skinny as hell.

“Right.” Pink tinges her cheeks.

“You don’t need to stay in your bedroom all the time when you’re here. I don’t mind you trying different rooms in my house as long as you keep out of my space.”

She turns her blue eyes to mine, and licks the sauce from the noodles off her bottom lip.Those lips. Fuck. “I’m happier on my own, too.”

“Oh. Okay. Well, just saying.” I stand, is she trying to drop a hint?

“No, I hope you don’t think I’m rude.” Ruby puts the bowl down and stands too.

“Nah. I’ve never lived with a chick before so I’m not sure what to do.”

Ruby stares at me as if I have something sprouting out of my head. “Really?”

“No. Or anyone. I guess I like being on my own. Touring, I have my own room. Sometimes I stay with one of the other guys, but I’ve never done the whole house share thing.”

“Oh. Sorry, I won’t stay much longer.”

“That’s not what I mean. You’re cool to stay here. It’s not like we’re really living together, is it?”

“Definitely not. You hide in your room; I’ll hide in mine and we’ll get along fine,” Ruby says with a smirk.

“Yeah.” I tuck my hands beneath my arms. “That way we can avoid not knowing what to say to each other.”

Ruby nods and sits back down, curling her legs underneath and resuming her shit meal.

Thing is, I want to sit with her. But I don’t.