I sit on the edge of my bed and stretch and try to determine what’s different about today.

Okay, there are several answers to that question: First, today is the first day of college, and Daddy has allowed me the day off of chores so I can get my feet under me with the campus and the coursework I’ll be expected to complete.

Another thing that’s changed is I no longer need to take the bus to work or school or borrow one of my parent’s cars. I used some of the money I saved up to buy a pre-owned economy car. It’s not fast or flashy or luxurious but it runs well and it’s much cheaper to own than a new car. Daddy rewards me for making a smart decision with my money and I smile as my pussy tingles from the memory of his tongue massaging my clit the night before.

The other thing that’s changed isn’t so fun. Mom is home. She got back the day before, so I wear a nightgown and underwear instead of being naked. I’m surprised how much I miss being naked. I’m not really going to miss out much on sex since my mom never pays attention to Stepdad, and it was easy for him to sneak into my room last night to reward me with his mouth. We might not get to do it as often, but we’ll definitely still get to enjoy each other.

I giggle a little as I realize what the change is. My ass doesn’t hurt. I haven’t received a spanking from Stepdad in almost a month. I can’t believe it but for the past month, I’ve completed all of my chores and all of my college prep work without complaint and without needing to be asked to do it. I’ve been diligent at my job and I’ve treated everyone with respect—even Mom—whether or not I feel like treating them respectfully.

I look in the mirror and I can barely recognize myself. I’m definitely not the bratty, spoiled little girl of five months ago. I giggle again as I think about the reason for that. I’m pretty sure most people don’t turn their lives around because their stepdad fucks them silly almost every day!

I head downstairs for breakfast and see my mom and Stepdad talking. They’re smiling and laughing, and my own smile disappears as I feel a powerful pang of jealousy. I’m not sure why I should feel this way. After all, they’re married. I’m the other woman. I don’t feel the slightest bit of guilt, but it’s not realistic of me to expect that they would immediately divorce just because Stepdad is with me now.

We eat breakfast together and that thought sticks in my head so I don’t hear my mom’s question at first and Stepdad has to say, “Your mother asked you a question, Cora,” before I respond.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “What was the question, Mom?”

She smiles at me. “That’s all right, honey bunch.” I hate when she calls me that. “I was just asking how you would feel about moving into your own place now that you’re a college student on your own?”

I feel a rush of terror strike me. Move out? Away from Stepdad? I open my mouth to say that’s a terrible idea when a thought strikes me.

Of course, they want me to move out. Look how happy they are with each other. They’re clearly working on their marriage. They’re falling in love again and they want a chance to have some time together without their daughter getting in the way.

That makes perfect sense. It’s perfectly reasonable for them to prioritize their marriage. After all, I’m a responsible adult now. I can take care of myself.

Then another, even more terrifying thought strikes me. That’s why Stepdad was helping me. He wasn’t doing it for me. He wasn’t doing it because he wanted me to succeed. He was doing it so I could take care of myself, and he and Mom wouldn’t have to worry about me while they had their second honeymoon or renaissance or whatever the fuck it’s called.

I smile and say, “That sounds wonderful, Mom,” I say. “I can look for apartments this week.”

She looks at Stepdad and they share a grin. “Actually, we already found one.”

“Really?” I say and I don’t have to feign the surprise in my voice.

“Really,” she says. “It’s only a mile from campus, it’s spacious and clean and it comes with its own washer and dryer.”

“That’s amazing!” I say, feigning excitement. “When will it be ready for me to move in?”

“Next week,” Mom says. “But we can go see it now if you want.”

“That sounds wonderful!” I say.

I don’t feel wonderful as I head to the new apartment and Mom gushes over the granite countertops and hardwood floors while Stepdad points out the safe neighborhood and the convenience of the location. I can’t stop thinking about how much it hurts that I’m going to be away from the man I love.

All of my life I’ve wanted to be on my own: free of rules, free of responsibility, owing nothing to anyone but myself. Now I have a chance to gain all of that and all I can think about is how sad I am.

I don’t want to lose Daddy. I can’t lose him. I love him.

What a terrible time to realize I love him—just days before I’m going to lose him forever.

I don’t blame him. After all, I’m only eighteen. I’m not a child anymore but I’m sure I can’t offer him as much as a grown woman can. My pussy might be tight, and I might be skilled with my mouth now but I don’t have the life experience to share. He certainly enjoyed the sex, and I don’t blame him for that either. I would have taken advantage of him if it had been my decision to make.

When we get home, I make it through dinner without breaking down but when my mom and stepdad smile at each other and kiss each other briefly, I can’t handle it anymore. I excuse myself from dinner, saying I’m tired and need to rest. Then I head to my room, throw myself on the bed, and burst into tears.

I am still crying hours later when Daddy walks into the room and holds me close while I weep into his shoulder.