Page 54 of The Angel

As I tear myself away from her, I’m just grateful nobody knows about us yet. Knowing she is safe makes me relax a lot and as I leave the hotel and hail a cab, I set my mind to business. Mafia business and that spells trouble for my fucking biological father.

* * *

It’sstrange to be back. Just heading through the gates into the fortress I call home makes me shiver with revulsion. I can understand why Angelo remodeled his entire house when his father died. Ghosts of the past aren’t welcome in our future and I resolve to do exactly that when I rid the world of the scum that goes by the name of Wesley Vasquez.

Silvio stops me as I head inside and smiles with relief. “Good to see you, Flynn, he’s been unbearable since you left.”

“Where is he?” I’m mildly curious and the disgusted expression on Silvio’s face tells me he’s indulging in his usual hobby again.

“Upstairs.” He raises his eyes. “He dragged some poor unfortunate girl off the streets and is making her life hell.”

As a gut-wrenching scream echoes down the staircase, I roll my eyes to the heavens. “He’s getting careless. He doesn’t normally bring them home.”

“She’s the second one this week. The first one is currently taking an acid bath in the basement.”

“I’ve had enough of this shit.” I growl ominously. “Are you with me?”

Silvio looks startled. “What do you have in mind?”

“To remove him from our lives forever.”

“But Massimo.” The fear in his eyes reminds me why Wesley has lasted so long. Every single one of his soldiers is living under the cloud of Massimo’s recriminations if anything ever happens to Wesley. It’s common knowledge that he would start a blood bath and murder every one of Wesley’s men if they ever turned against him, and yet the disgust in Silvio’s eyes tells me I can trust him.

“I wouldn’t worry about Massimo; I’m going to get him to do it for us.”

“How?” The hope in Silvio’s eyes makes me smile. “Watch and learn, my friend, and at the end of it, things will change for the better around here.”

Silvio nods and I brief him on what he must do and as I leave him to carry out my orders, I take the stairs two at a time with a firm grip on my hunting knife.

As I near my uncle’s bedroom, it sickens me to think of what’s happening inside and as I grab what I need from my own room, I steal like an avenging angel down the hallway and pray this goes according to plan.

Luckily, the bastard is making so much noise he doesn’t hear the door open, and he can’t even see it from his position facing the wall. I can just about make out in the moonlit room his naked body pounding into a woman who is tied to the bed and looks in a bad way. Even from here, I see the blood covering her body courtesy of the knife he likes to cut them with. As sadists go, Wesley is one who knows no boundaries and often cuts and chokes his victims to death, while brutally raping every part of them he can, sometimes for days.

They are both unaware of my presence and I have practiced hard for this moment. As I edge toward the bed, I count down in my mind and as he groans, and she utters a piercing scream, I seize my chance and slam the hessian sack over the bastard’s head, quickly tying it at the neck exactly as Vivian described he did to her. Karma is a bitch, and I will enjoy every minute of this.

The woman looks up in horror as Wesley bellows with rage and I place my finger on her lips and wink, causing her to stare up at me in hope. I grab my gun and knock Wesley across the side of the head, relishing his struggling body going limp in my hands. Then I tie his hands and feet together, looking in disgust at the flaccid body of a man who let it go years ago.

Gently, I untie the girl and whisper, “You’re safe, darlin’. Trust me, I’ve got you.”

She nods, the tears streaming down her face as she sobs in my arms.

Gently, I lift her off the bed and carry her from the room and call out to Silvio, who rushes immediately to my side.

“Take good care of her. Clean her up, give her money. A lot of money and make sure she has somewhere to go.”

“And the boss?”

Silvio looks worried about that, and I say angrily, “You leave Wesley to me.”

Turning back to the room, I can’t wait to see him try to talk his way out of this one and as I retrieve my phone, I type out a text to Louisa, who may not get it until morning.

Then I drag my uncle’s body behind me down the stairs to the cellar where he likes to bring his enemies to torture and take great delight in stringing him up against his own wall and leaving him to hang naked and out cold.

Slamming the door on him, I turn the key and hope the rest of the plan goes so smoothly. If it does, this will be a joy to watch.