Page 6 of The Angel

We stand in an embrace that is anything but awkward and as she pulls back, she smiles into my eyes and drags her finger down my face. “You are so handsome, Flynn. So perfect.”

“I am far from perfect…”

I falter because I’m not sure what I should call her and she smiles and says in a gentle voice, “It’s Vivian. Let’s take this one step at a time; we have a lot of ground to make up.”

She appears to regroup and says brightly, “We have a lot to discuss. My husband will be curious, and we should start with him.”

“Will he mind?” I’m anxious about that, and she shrugs. “He will be suspicious, but as he knows my history, I doubt he will be surprised. He’s a fine man, the best actually, and you have nothing to fear from him.”

I’m a little surprised at that because, knowing his brother and the madness inside his head, I can’t believe he could be so different and yet I keep my thoughts to myself and smile tentatively. “I would like to meet him. He sounds, a good man.”

She takes my hand and smiles.

“Please excuse this formal meeting room. We should head into the house; you must be hungry.”

I smile but am so blown away by her reaction to me, I follow her in a daze. It strikes me that this feels almost normal, as if I have always lived a regular life with a loving family. Is this what it’s like? It’s better than any high from any drug and I could become addicted. In fact, I already am.