“You still have free will, Flora. The choices you make are your own, and you are your own person, but every one of us has a destiny that was woven by the fates. I cannot change mine any more than you can change yours. That doesn’t mean they cannot be influenced or guided. You are my heirs intended.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Draven asked.
“It will all make sense in time. For now, just know that you were chosen so history doesn’t repeat itself with selfish ways and archaic thinking. You will bring forth the future of the supernatural world, along with the other heirs.”
“We are not doing your bidding,” Draven growled. “We have enough to take care of, thanks to you.”
Rieka scoffed. “Who did you think put those desires in your heart? Who do you think gave Flora the capacity to love and embrace the world with kindness even though she should have been lost to the shadows? Who do you think gave you the ability to lead when the odds seemed impossible? You are mine, and it is written in the stars as much as you would like to deny it.”
Flora groaned inwardly, annoyed as hell. “So what would you have us do?”
“Exactly what you are already doing. You are ready to go back to the mortal realm, to unite my stone and my people. All my people. Hybrids included. The supernatural world is at a crossroads, and it is my hope that we have prepared you all for the fight ahead. There is only one thing left to do.”
The tone in Rieka's voice struck Flora as ominous and left an uneasy feeling in her chest. The Goddess had no qualms about the lengths she’d go to further her agenda.
“What’s that?” Draven asked.
“Your mate must be as you are.”
“No.” Draven shook his head sharply as if doing so would change the determined look on Rieka’s face. “She’s not ready. She deserves more time.”
“Draven, it’s—”
“No, Flora.” Draven’s eyes were wide with panic. “You have no idea what she’s asking. I will not allow it. Not yet. Maybe not ever.”
“There is no more time.” Rieka said matter of factly. “The packs are at an impasse, the vampires and witches are on the verge of war, and you must go to the others as one united. You must show them all the future with your mate at your side.”
“She doesn’t need to be a vampire to lead at my side,” Draven pleaded, his hand tightening around hers.
“I’m sorry, Draven.” Rieka’s gaze fell to the ground and she lifted her hand, beckoning Flora to join her in the water.
Why was she apologizing? She had to know this is what Flora wanted all along.
Flora craned her neck up to look at Draven, and his expression said it all. Every worry he had, every ounce of love he felt, all the unspoken words he’d yet to tell her were conveyed in one panicked look. And though she’d asked him time after time to end her mortal life, when faced with the reality of it she wasn’t ready. Not yet. Not when she’d only just begun to experience life with Draven and learned to love herself. What if Draven was right and the darkness consumed her after she was turned?
“Run,” he mouthed.
She couldn’t, though. It wouldn't matter. Not so long as they were in Rieka’s realm.
It wasn’t her life that flashed before her eyes as she stepped forward toward the Goddess. Instead, it was a culmination of experiences she’d yet to have. Reuniting with Emery and meeting her child. Marrying Draven and giving life to a child of their own. Watching the sun rise over the ocean. Driving with the top down way too fast with Draven’s hand on her thigh. Saving his people. Their people. She wouldn’t be accepted as his mate as a vampire, moon blessed or not. This isn’t how it was supposed to happen. Not yet. Not when they had so much left to experience together.
She parted her lips to speak, to reassure him even though she was terrified of what came next, that she would always be his and they would figure it out together. But before she could speak a single word, her world went black.