Page 66 of Hybrid Moon Rising

He inhaled a steady breath and took off into the cave after Flora. He raced through the dark entrance and into a cavern that he could now see had a circular opening above, allowing the moon to shine through, illuminating the space.

Where the moon touched the earth, in the eye of her mountains.

He raced toward the beam of moonlight, hoping he’d interpreted the phrase correctly. He ran through it and a shot of vibration echoed through his body. He continued to run, only he didn’t exit the beam of light on the other side of the cavern. Instead, he found himself in a clearing, bathed in the light of a full moon.

That couldn’t be right. He’d just stepped through the light of a half moon. His head pounded and his wolf howled from within him, claiming his need to shift.

Fuck. Not right now.We need to find Flora,he said, trying to reason with the wolf within.

But his wolf didn’t care. His back hunched and dark fur began to erupt from his flesh.

“Draven, run!”

Her voice was panicked, and Draven’s gaze shot to where Flora lay in the dirt across the clearing. Her eyes had returned to normal, and she was surrounded by what appeared to be five wolves. The largest one was standing over her with the moonstone hanging from its chain between his teeth. Surrounding them all was a flickering black fire.

No, not fire. Shadows.

The wolves weren’t covered in fur as he would be—they were bathed in dark shadows that danced along their flesh.


His wolf growled, demanding Draven’s attention.


The word echoed in his head as his wolf took over.

Mate. Mate. Mate.

The basic need to protect the woman who was his entire world was driving his every thought. His every movement.

Draven sat back stunned, allowing his wolf to feed his needs. His bones cracked and reformed as the shift conformed his flesh and shock stunned his mind.

The full moon had claimed them.

Flora was his impossibility.

His mate.