Page 41 of Edith's Orc

Luc’s voice drops as he leans in front of the trainee, driving the point home. “Will these male Orclans be willing to swear to just one lover? One sexual partner? Forever?”

“Yes. I could do that.”

“Could you, Jamal?” Luc puts his hands on his hips, towering over the smaller Orclan. “You’re the youngest of us. The least experienced. Yet you’d be willing to make that commitment? Because that’s the kind of long-term allegiance they expect. You have to be a boyfriend to her. Her best friend, who she trusts most. Do all your planning and free time together because you care for her so much. They call this commitment to each other love. You would have tolovethe Human female the way I do, Emma.”

I watch Alexa peer up at Serlo shyly. “I do love you this way, Alexa.”

“Really?” she signs back.

Fisting his hand, Serlo thumps it against his chest. “I swear it, my Deleera. You’re mine. Forever.”

I don’t dare look at Cal. He’s quiet next to me now, but I’m impressed with Serlo. And relieved for Alexa. She needs the mature level headedness that Serlo exudes.

“But I can’t guarantee the others will do or feel the same.” Serlo turns to Jamal. “And there’s no guarantee our new mates will be able to produce neonates either. Emma could be an exception. I will love Alexa whether it happens or not, but isn’t that why most Orclans choose a Chomlen?”

Malk grapples with his covering, pulling out a small black device. “We can create a communication explaining all of this. You should record it with me, Luc... and Serlo. We can make sure it goes out in a general update, addressing what’s happened.”

Serlo’s face lights up as he nods. “We can see how this communication is accepted,” Waving at the eager, bright-eyed trainee he looks down at Alexa. “But what if there are Orclans like our trainee Jamal here? Males willing to make the commitment, including swearing to only one ejaculation partner, plus the additional time... and love?”

Fuck! Like we need one more thing to worry about right now.

I look at Cal, watching the bright purple energy stroke my own. He’s my perfect match. The man—or male—I knew would eventually come into my life. Is it fair to think there are other women out there... predestined mates to the Orclans, like I’ve been convinced I am?

Emma rubs the back of her neck, stuttering. “Can we... think about it?” Then she points out the obvious. “I mean right now, we haven’t even tried opening up the Dishif to be able to go anywhere. Let us think about it—and talk. Maybe there’s a way to play matchmaker between human women and Orclans, but we need to settle in and make sure we understand the society here on Baloo too. We’re still fumbling around, learning as we go.”

Well played. I hate the pressure we’re feeling, too. These are people’s lives we’re talking about.

“Absolutely,” Malk backs up, gesturing to Emma. “You heard her. They’ll be contemplating the situation, accessing all our Orclan males and the society they’d be welcoming any other Human females into.” He raises his voice, letting it filter over to the crowd, who is silently staring. “Tell them all that! That should keep the majority of our males on their best behavior when they see them.”

Then he spins and drops to his knees between Nako and Emma. “Luc said you were smart. Perfect political partners for you all.”

His eyes drill into Serlo as he laughs. Hopping back up, he turns to the crowd, bellowing, “Let’s give them room. Clear a path! They’re heading back to the Temple.”

I let out a sign of relief as Serlo jumps to his feet, reaching for Alexa. There’s an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach as we cut through the crowd without talking. Maybe it’s just because everyone is staring?

It’s quiet now as we climb the stairs. Only a trickle of Orclans are left inside the entryway. But as soon as we cross the threshold, there’s a whooshing sound, and my ears pop.

Why does that seem so... familiar?

Suddenly screams fill the air from the Temple chamber, and thuds follow in the chaos.

“Where are they? Where are they?” The question booms out the doors, and I don’t recognize the mechanical voice.

Luc leads the charge to investigate with everyone hot on his heels. As we enter the huge temple area, the stuff of my nightmares unfolds. Large Ropors are running across the ceiling and walls like roaches swarming a pantry.

Up on the ledge with the Portal, overlooking the space, an upright Ropor booms out, “There he is! Our missing Offering must be ready to return!”