Page 22 of Edith's Orc

Chapter Ten

Calisalreadywrappinga blanket around me by the time the metallic voice booms in English from my collar.

“Challenge Pending. Move to the Roportorium Arena with your mate.”

The command drones a few more times while Cal carries me into the bathroom. This time, with the lights on, I can see where we showered earlier in one corner. It’s technically not as dirty in here as I envisioned.

“You must stay close. Unless I’m fighting. Then you’ll stay in my box.”

What the hell?

Fighting? Box?

Cal sets me down next to a large stone hole, and as he pees next to me, I stare, totally zoned out. What exactly are they talking about? They want me to go to the fights?

My stomach churns, wondering how I’m going to stand it. My father took me to his fights when I was a kid. If he didn’t have a sitter, he figured leaving me in the back wouldn’t be the end of the world. Unfortunately, I didn’t stay there.

Large hands settle on my shoulders, shaking me. “Edith? Do you understand?”

Cal’s concerned face is only inches away, his energy shines with new strands of deep red and black. “I need to know you’ll stay put.”

“Uh... couldn’t I just stay here and maybe... take a bath?” I look around, spotting a tub in the corner. “Won’t I just be in the way?”

He’s already shaking his head, eyes flashing. “No. No, definitely not. Besides the fact that the Ropors have commanded you to come, I’d be distracted. It’s not safe here for you alone. I’ve heard that Luc doesn’t have to share Emma, but that’s because she’s mated to him. What if they come and take you to another male?”

I feel like someone has slapped me. They wouldn’t do that... would they?


“Emma, please.” Cal’s unfolding something, and it takes a moment for me to realize he’s dressing me. “I don’t want anyone to see you in that other clothing. You’re mine.”

The growl is almost a roar, vibrating off the stone walls as he struggles with helping me stick my arm through the baggy material.

“I know,” I assure him. His face is a snarl, and I reach up, cupping his face in my palm. He stills, turning to focus on me as I add. “I’m not going anywhere. They told me it was my choice.”

“Really?” For the first time, a lemony yellow tinges his energy, and I think it’s his desperation to believe me.

“They were really clear. They told me you might not accept me.”

Cal ignores this statement, looking me up and down. “I wish I had something for your legs.”

Glancing down at the huge shirt he’s thrown on me, I laugh. “It hits my calves. I don’t think anyone is going to get a peek. But I do miss my underwear.” I glance around, wondering if they’re close.

“These?” The scrap of fabric almost disappears in his hand, and my face heats as he crumples them under his nose, taking a deep breath.

Rolling my eyes, I slap him lightly on the stomach. “Can I have them?”

“I was going to keep them on me. For luck.”

Sure. Holding out my hand, I raise my eyebrows before he reluctantly passes them over. The last thing I need is him sniffing my panties in front of a crowd.

When Cal leaves the bathroom, I follow him slowly. He’s distracted, moving around the room, picking up items he puts on. First some arm sleeves, then calves, and finally he sits down, putting on some boots. The low light gives off an eerie glow. When he reaches into a corner, pulling out a long staff, my vision dims.

This is so not what I need right now!

Sinking into the surface of the messy blankets we had sex on earlier, I let myself fall back, determined to deal with this now. I’d give anything at this moment to not have been thrown in with a bunch of backwards fighting green hulks. Why couldn’t I have been placed with a scientist or doctor?

Covering my face with the crook of my elbow, I blow out an exasperated breath. I can’t help that I’m a pacifist. It seems like every time I turn around, I’m running into people who think differently from me.