I sat next to him, sitting on one leg with a towel wrapped around my back. It unfortunately put me looking directly at the man who I did not want to be interacting with. He watched the whole exchange like he was watching a particularly entertaining child.
There was already Chinese on the table, unopened but for a few spring rolls. I snatched one, handing Bryce the brush.
“Alex, this is my boss, Aedyn Vosco.” Bryce’s flat tone had me sputtering on the ginger ale he’d left for me on the table, but he ignored my coughing fit as he distributed product through my wet hair, “Since he’s the one who gave us the information for you to take to Valentina, he would like to know how your meeting went. You can talk in front of him.”
When I was done choking, I set the can aside.
I glared at Aedyn who was smirking, and looked behind me to Bryce. He unhelpfully pushed my head back, gently brushing through small sections of hair like I had taught him years ago.
I faced back to Aedyn, not knowing exactly how to act in front of yet another human who held more power in their pinky finger than I ever would in my entire life chain.
First Don, then Valentina, now fuckingVosco? If I was a cat I would have run out of lives by now, I was sure of it.
I cleared my throat, “Well you know, they bought it all, I guess, until Jaymes got caught.”
Bryce’s hands tightened around a curl. I could feel him shaking his head, “I should have tied him to the damn stairs.”
I patted his knee affectionately, “I should have known he was going to weasel his way into things, honestly. It wasn’t a complete loss though. Valentina took the bait; it just came at a steeper price.”
I felt his knee stiffen under me. I rubbed at it, drawing circles against his black jeans as he continued.
Looking Aedyn in the eye, truly looking at him, I thanked him, “I appreciate your part in helping my brother.”
“Happy to help for a small fee, of course, but don’t thank me just yet.” he nodded to Bryce, “It doesn’t seem like it worked as well as you had hoped.”
I shook my head, “No, but it’s resolved–for the most part anyway.”
I hesitated long enough that Bryce nudged me, the brush tapping my shoulder. I sighed, closing my eyes. I couldn’t say it out loud, could I? Not with his boss right fucking there.
“Valentina upped the payment. She wanted the locations, a favor and a–a kiss.”
Aedyn laughed, “Valentina, you minx. That doesn’t seem so bad, though, does it? Could have been a hell of a lot worse. She could have asked for your head, but here we are.”
Bryce knew though, he could feel the stiffness in my shoulders, could see the way I stood tall without so much as a soft sigh from the feel of his hands in my hair, “Lex?”
“I had to kill Collin.”
“Did you now?” Aedyn sounded entirely too interested in me suddenly. His flippant amusement was gone, replaced with something that sounded much more substantial, and I didn’t like it one bit as I continued. Now that it was out, I didn’t know how to stop.
“She said the information bought Jaymes's life, but that I had to kill Collin to keep him quiet, and I guess, I don't know, to ensure I wouldn’t say anything either.”
“Or she’s just a blood thirsty bitch.” Bryce cut.
I couldn’t disagree with him, “She kissed me when I was–when I–you know.”
“Well played, little temptress. It seems you have layers upon layers.” Aedyn’s gaze was heated now, pinning me to my spot like he was throwing flames to my chest. “It looks like we may have more use for you yet.”
Bryce made quick work of the rest of my hair, scrunching it and twirling some of the curls before he set it all in a clip high on my head. I wanted to tell him about Valentina and Don, but I didn’t want to say anything in front of Aedyn.
It felt too raw, too much to share with him, especially when he looked at me like he was just as willing for a taste.
Bryce made me a plate which I took without complaint mostly so I had something to do with my hands and somewhere to look other than Aedyn’s dark eyes. Bryce grunted to him, waving a hand at the food as he opened some more containers.
I expected him to decline, but was surprised with his seemingly chipper, “If you insist.”