Page 21 of PortCity Killers

I shifted my gaze just as he began to turn his head. His eyes lingered on me if the racing of my heart was anything to go by, but he didn’t dwell too long.

I watched sidelong as he scanned the rest of the room, settling back against the cushions. The lights dimmed and when I finally felt like I could breathe again I stood, slowly making my way through the couches like I was moving through molasses.

The woman’s voice was hypnotic, another haunting warning that I should be running away from the man I was dragging my feet to. I felt the moment he registered my presence coming toward him though he did nothing to show it.

He didn’t stiffen, didn’t shift or go unnaturally still the way some men will; he just knew.

By the time I found the couch I had no choice but to stand there awkwardly or slide in beside him so I did. Keeping my eyes on the woman in front of us I took up a small bit of space on the edge of his seat, laying my hands in my lap.

The jackets covered my fidgeting, but I couldn’t fake relaxation the way he could, so I didn't even try; just sat there trying to keep my breathing under control because I was convinced,

I would be snatched up any minute and thrown into a dungeon for the sins of my overzealous, reckless brother.

I could feel Don’s penetrating gaze; it sent shivers down my spine and flutters in my stomach. I couldn’t tell if it was from fear, which was likely, or if it was the fact, he was a man with power.

“You must be Alex.”

His voice was soft but rough; his accent lyrical in a way that seemed to contradict how it scraped between his lips as it came out of his mouth.

The sound made me tremble as I turned my head, trying not to choke on the breath that had caught in my chest at the full force of his attention.

He smirked, his lips thick and full, framed by the short, light stubble of his cheeks. His face was all lines and angles, high and cut. His finger slid across the leather seating behind him in circles that had me throbbing between my legs.

It didn’t help matters that my fear and arousal wires were crossed and tangled. I didn’t want it to be, but fuck if I couldn’t help the pulsing in my clit as his finger continued, looking as if he would dive into my lap.

And sweet baby Jesus would I have let him. Right here, in front of all these patrons, I would have spread my damn thighs and delivered myself up as an offering to the perfect violence brewing behind his emerald eyes.

More than once today I regretted biting Bryce’s finger this morning, but never more than this moment when I was aching and needy for release, desperate for the pleasure lurking in this man’s gaze.

His head cocked to the side as he watched me, silent, like he was calculating every centimeter of me.

Logically, I knew that whether or not I had come before I left, I would likely still be trembling here now, but I liked to think that it wouldn’t be nearly as bad if I had.

I nodded slowly, coming back to myself, “I am.”

“You’re more skittish than I anticipated.”

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, a hard glint behind my eyes as I looked at him, “Am I?”

“Ah,” His chuckle grated along my back, his voice soft, almost sensual. “There it is—the presence everyone has spoken of.”

I didn’t know anyone who would have spoken about me aside from people connected to Collin, and I doubted any of them had anything good to say about me, so I stayed silent.

“What can I do for you, Alex?”

“I have information I would like to share with Valentina,” I kept my voice low, matching his small murmured words as the woman on stage continued. She seemed distracted, sneaking furtive glances towards the booth, “Information in exchange for clearing my brother’s name.”

“Jaymes, the traitor.”


“We’ve already spoken to Collin,” he sighed, “He has answered for his crimes, but Jaymes has not.”

“Collin tricked Jaymes. Please-”

The lights began to brighten again, the woman speaking to the crowd as she kept her eyes on us. I ignored her, ignored the way her eyes stared daggers into me as Don shifted his body closer to mine.

He wore a matching maroon shirt, the sleeves rolled up his forearms. He leaned to me laying a hand on his chest, trapping the black tie there. I had to bite my lip against a shiver as his other hand came to my shoulder.

“I will ask Valentina if she’s in the mood to entertain, but if she is not then I am loath to know what will happen to you in Jaymes's stead, little Lexi. I suggest you not be here to find out.” He whispered, before raising himself fully from his spot with a grace that I wasn’t prepared to see, not from someone who embodied barely contained chaos.

I swallowed hard. Was he telling me to leave? Was he warning me? Maybe they knew everything and were giving me one last chance to escape, but where would we go? What would we do?

I weighed everything, tallying and playing out scenarios, dismissing them as soon as they appeared.

Don gave me one last look, a quirk to his lips that left me conflicted as I stared up at nothing in particular, wondering if I was supposed to book it the hell out of dodge or sit and wait for my death knoll.