Mila panicked, then groaned internally. She’d completely eliminated the possibility that he would be there. Could this possibly be a coincidence?

Mila hung behind, wondering if she could slip away unnoticed. But Maddox spied her immediately. “I see your lovely daughter is with you,” Maddox said to her mother as he approached them. She could almost believe he meant it.

Mila’s mother put her arm around her and pushed her forward. Mila lost balance on her wedges and she forced a smile once she regained composure.

Amusement played in Maddox’s dark eyes. “It’s nice to see you again,” he told her, managing to sound sincere.

“Same here.” Mila practically had to grit her teeth to get the words out and she sensed Maddox knew it.

“Come eat with us tonight,” Danny told Maddox.

Maddox held his hand up to refuse. “I’m afraid I can’t.”

Danny made a face. “I know your type. You need to take time off once in a while. Mila,”–Danny held his hands toward her–“convince this handsome workaholic to join us for dinner tonight.”

I would rather die,Mila thought as her mother gazed on with begging eyes.

Maddox lifted his chin ever so slightly, daring her to do it.

Mila took a breath and straightened her back. If this is how he was going to be then she wouldn’t let him off the hook.

“Please join us for dinner, Mr. Cross,” she said in her sweetest voice.

Something she couldn’t figure out flickered across his face. Without leaving her gaze, he said, “Well, with that kind of invitation, how can I refuse?”

Danny smacked Maddox’s arm, saying, “Good man,” and her mother almost shook trying to contain her delight.

But as Maddox kept his eyes on her, Mila’s heart raced. What is that about? Mila wondered as Maddox finally excused himself and promised to meet them that evening.

Once Maddox was gone, her mother gripped her arm and nearly squealed. “That must be a good sign,” her mother whispered.

Mila doubted it. She was afraid she’d just invited Maddox to do…something.

But what?