Maddox followed Mila to Italy and managed his business from a leased space there while Mila sorted out her affairs. Soon, she’d be going back to work with Jalen and Juliet in San Francisco. In the meantime, he had no intention of letting Mila out of his sight.

Maddox figured she’d be unhappy to leave her current job, but she seemed more excited to go back to working with the team at the vineyard. He would have made it work no matter what, but he was relieved that she brought up moving back to San Francisco on her own. Though he enjoyed spending time with her without interference in Milan.

While still in Italy, they met up with Nikki and JB several times. Nikki and Mila’s initial reunion was unexpectedly emotional. Maddox was a little taken aback when they both cried but he took that as a good sign. He also realized it would be nice to have a place of their own near his sister. And he doubted Mila would argue about it.

Weeks had passed since they renewed their engagement and their very public reunion had swept through their social circles.

Fortunately, no one seemed to know about Mila’s short time dating Jackson in between. So, speculation had run rampant as to what had happened.

For once, Maddox wasn’t concerned. All he cared about was making things right with Mila.

And he was about to make one more thing right again.

As they stood on Mila’s balcony at sunset, Maddox slid the new engagement ring on her finger.

She stared down at the ring. “This is different,” she said, perplexed. “Where’s the ring you gave me before?”

Maddox glanced away sheepishly. “Uh…well, I threw it in the garbage disposal and it broke it. The disposal that is. The diamonds were fine.”

A twinkle spread across her face. “You tossed my gazillion-dollar diamond ring in the disposal? My goodness. That was very irrational of you, Maddox Cross.”

He rubbed the back of his head. “I’ve done a lot of that lately.”

Mila threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “I love it.”

“You do?” He’d had a new ring designed before he’d even decided to get her back. He wasn’t sure why, but he couldn’t just let it go. The moment her engagement ring was gone, he regretted it.

Mila nodded. “It’s perfect. And maybe even better than the first one.” She moved her hand around in the fading light to admire it.

That was a relief though he knew she would never choose something that expensive for herself. “You know, I was thinking…maybe we should follow Jalen’s example and elope.”

Mila blinked. “Really?”

“Yeah. We could have a small wedding wherever you want it. Then we can do a big celebration to please your mother later.” Truthfully, he was anxious to marry her before someone else tried to split them up.

Mila thought about it. “It’ll still take some convincing. She’s very hung up on all the society stuff.”

“I know and I’ve thought about how to win her over to this idea. I think I can convince her.” Maddox winked. Mila’s mother adored him, so he knew this wouldn’t be a problem.

Mila didn’t look as sure. “If you say so.”

“Trust me on this. Convincing people to do things they don’t want to do is part of my business.” After all, he’d somehow managed to convince Mila to love him.

She nodded slowly. “Well, I like that plan much better. So, if you think you can manage it…” She shrugged.

“I do.” After all he’d put her through, the least he could do was give Mila the wedding she wanted.