When they returned to San Francisco, they went about life like normal. Days passed and nothing happened, and Mila started–or dared–to think Jeff’s words were all a bluff.

Then Maddox called her to his house.

She was about to launch into a monologue about her wedding to-do list when she saw his face.

He sat at the dining table in a T-shirt with his hands clasped on the table and his face was grim. A yellow envelope was in front of him.

“What’s going on?” she said as her muscles tensed up.

Maddox didn’t look up. “I knew about you and Jackson. And I believed what you said about Parker.” He finally acknowledged her. “But what is this?” He shot the envelope over to her end of the table.

Mila took the envelope with her heart pounding and peered inside. She pulled out photographs. Some were when Jackson had kissed her and times they’d gone to dinner. But the others were all of Mila and Parker.

She sifted through them, her mouth falling open in shock.

“I realize you would’ve been together a lot when you were working for me,” Maddox said. “But some of those photos aren’t from that long ago.” He came over and snatched the photos from her and held out one. “I think we both recognize this.”

Mila focused and realized it was the house on Hawaii Maddox had given her. Parker was kissing a woman on the porch.

Mila yanked the photo away. “This isn’t me,” she said, waving it. “Yes, I had pizza with him once before we were dating. And, yes, I was with him at other times. But we never dated, and I certainly haven’t cheated on you with him.”

Maddox’s face was hard. “Parker already confessed.”

Mila’s face went ashen. “What do you mean he confessed? Confessed to what?”

“I already confronted him about it. And he says you’ve been having an affair since the Europe trip.” Maddox’s jaw came into sharper relief as he talked.

Mila could barely believe what he was saying. “Well, he’s lying. Maddox…all of these photos where he’s kissing someone, she’s not even facing the camera. Because it wasn’t me!” Someone had set her up and she could take a stab at who would want to.

“How can I believe that? In Hawaii, you stayed longer than me, and Parker was on vacation at the same time. And I can verify he was in Hawaii.” Instead of her fiancé, Maddox the CEO was speaking now, and it made her bristle.

“I’m sure you can.” Mila started to feel desperate because of the hardness in Maddox’s eyes. “You know Danny’s kids want me out of the way. They have resources. They could pay anyone whatever they wanted to do all of this.” She waved her hand at the photos. “And you’re not naïve. You know what people are willing to do.”

He stared at her hard. “Yes, I do. For instance, you’ve insisted you don’t care about money. But maybe it’s not just your mother who wants it all.”

Mila’s stomach twisted up. “I can’t believe you would immediately jump to that conclusion.”

“Neither can I. But you’re not giving me much choice.” He folded his arms.

After examining him and realizing he was serious, Mila surprised herself by letting go of a derisive laugh.

“You think this is funny?” he said indignantly.

Mila covered her mouth as her expression flattened. “Not in the least. I just can’t believe you’re meeting my original expectations after all of this. Meaning, I had none.” She held his sharp gaze. “I believed you were more than this. But you’re just worried how this rumor–how I–will affect your bottom line.”

When he didn’t comment, Mila nodded slowly. “Fine. I get it. It’s my fault for assuming I meant more to you than your business. I should’ve known better.”

As her eyes watered, Mila tore off her engagement ring and flung it at him.

It bounced off his chest and rattled on the floor. Other than a minor flinch, Maddox didn’t react. “I don’t need someone who will abandon me at the drop of a hat because I’ll hurt his position.”

Mila marched toward the front door and flung it open. She could only regret that she’d ever trusted him to begin with.