Maddox’s day hadn’t gone even remotely to plan. Mila didn’t bat an eyelash at refusing him. And she appeared even less interested than she had at the gala. None of his sources mentioned a boyfriend, but maybe there was someone in the way.

Maddox called his assistant to have him try and track down where Mila would be that night, and possibly with whom, without giving away too many details.

His information led him to a local eatery. Mila came into the restaurant with a man who seemed very happy to be with her. He was also someone Maddox knew, which shocked him. Had Mila met him because of her mother and Danny?

After watching them while they ate and not being able to decide if they were an item or not, they finally left the restaurant. Maddox followed out of sheer curiosity.

They got out at Mila’s apartment building, which was an old brick building that had seen better days. The man with her–Jackson Burke–seemed to be stalling as Mila motioned like she was ready to go inside–and possibly alone.

Maddox watched curiously. He was starting to think Jalen was right and this might be futile.

After talking another moment, Jackson leaned in and kissed her. It didn’t last long, and Mila looked surprised. Maybe she thought they were just friends?

Maddox scoffed. “So much for his nice-guy reputation,” he muttered to himself. Maddox was positive that Jackson was supposed to be engaged to some wealthy heiress. He wondered if Mila knew. And he wondered if he could somehow use this to his advantage when his phone buzzed.

Maddox fumbled in his pocket and answered. “Jalen,” he said.

“What are you doing back in New York?” his younger brother said. “Juliet said you canceled dinner.”

“We scheduled another time. Something came up.” Maddox watched with interest to see what Mila would do now that Jackson had made a move.

After a pause, Jalen said, “Let me guess. It has something to do with Danny’s new fiancée.”

Maddox watched as Mila disappeared behind the story by herself. After lingering by the door another moment, Jackson stomped back to his car and tore off. This situation had become more intriguing by the second. Then, an idea came to him. “I’ll call you back, all right?”

Maddox hung up before Jalen could respond and he jumped out of the car. He located Mila’s apartment number and hit the buzzer.

“Yes?” Mila asked suspiciously through the intercom.

“It’s Maddox Cross. Could you come down and talk a minute?” He dug his hands in his coat pockets.

He could hear her processing. Finally, she said, “One minute.”

Shortly thereafter, the outside door swung open. “What do you want?” Mila leaned into one hip and his eyes swept over her. She postured like this was going to be a short conversation. But he was distracted by how attractive he found her though she was dressed more simply than at the gala. Maybe that was Jackson’s problem too.

Maddox cleared his throat. “I guess you really did have plans.”

She narrowed her wide, almond-shaped eyes. “You thought I made it up?”

He lifted a shoulder. “You seemed anxious to get rid of me earlier.”

She sighed and leaned into the door frame. “I was but I still had plans.”

Maddox couldn’t discern how Mila felt about Jackson’s kiss. If anything, she sounded grouchy. “Well, the night’s still young. What do you say to going and getting a drink with me?”

“No,” she said flatly.

Maddox only smiled. “What do I have to do to get you to change your mind?”

She glanced over him. Was she comparing him to Jackson? For some reason, the thought made him bristle. “You’d have to be from a different social sphere.”

“So, you don’t like me because I know Danny?” He quirked an eyebrow. “You know, I can’t help that.”

“Neither can I.” She looked like she wanted to say something else but hit the brakes. “If that’s all you came for, I’m going back upstairs.”

She started to close the door, but Maddox slammed his hand against it to stop her. He didn’t have a plan beyond that, but he reacted before he could think it through.

“What are you doing?” she snapped.

Maddox backed off, uncertain what prompted that response. “Sorry. I just don’t understand why you’re being so quick to write me off.”

“Why are you so eager to go out with me?” She arched her reddish-brown eyebrows in challenge.

He laughed lightly. Partly because of feeling perplexed. “You’re an attractive woman, Mila. And I’d like to get to know you.”

Her rigid stance didn’t soften. “I suppose I should be flattered. But for some reason, I just don’t believe you.”

Even if they thought it, no woman had ever said that to his face. Not even Savannah Carlisle, who probably came close. “You should know I like a challenge.”

She didn’t flinch. “You should know I hate frauds.”