“Have a nice flight,” Parker said tersely while standing a few feet away from the open car door.

Mila forced a smile and climbed into the backseat. The valet shut the door and it felt decisive. She turned to watch the hotel until it disappeared around a corner. Somehow, it all felt like the end of something, and Mila’s gut twisted up as she watched the city disappear under the clouds.

Once Mila got back to San Francisco, she received notice that she was being let go as Maddox’s second assistant. She now realized Parker probably knew about this when she left. It might account for his odd behavior.

Maddox wouldn’t even be home yet when her time ran out. Obviously, she’d made a huge mistake trusting him. Though, when she thought about it, she couldn’t say she’d do things differently if she could go back.

How had everything gone sideways so quickly?

Yes, she could find another job now that her mother might not hate as much. And she wouldn’t have to face Maddox after being such a fool. But it was little consolation.

Mila completed her final days at Great Escape and then had to get serious about job hunting again. Then, Juliet called her out of the blue and asked to meet for lunch. Mila was grateful no one would know about her and Maddox and tried to act as normal as possible when they met.

“We’d like you to take a position in administration at our vineyard,” Juliet told her after they finished running through courtesies, which Mila had to dodge to avoid giving anything away about her former job and Maddox. “We’re a small team but growing and I think you’d be a great fit. Plus, it’s a collaborative effort and I believe you’d enjoy it.”

Mila almost choked. “What?”

“You have experience and you come recommended.” She shrugged. “It’s a no-brainer for me. Will you consider it?”

Mila nodded. Juliet promised to send over the details and give Mila a little time to decide. Really, she didn’t need it. This was much more in line with what she wanted to do.

After thinking it over, Mila accepted the offer. She had no clue what all this meant with Maddox–because of their agreement and because of the kiss in Provence. And she wondered what her fate would be. For the moment, she’d have to focus on what was in front of her. Even if it wasn’t exactly what she’d hoped for.