“I think she likes you,” Nikki whispered conspiratorially. “Even when I tried to wring her for details–because I could tell you put her through something–Mila wouldn’t talk.”

“She might just be afraid of repercussions.” His previous treatment of Mila was starting to weigh on him. He’d never felt this ashamed before. Except about how he’d behaved toward Nikki.

“Maybe. But I didn’t sense fear. I think she just wanted to protect you.” Nikki smiled.

Maddox was surprised at the surge of hope he felt hearing that. Did he want Mila to like him that much? “I don’t know why. I wasn’t very nice to her initially.”

“I’m sure you weren’t. I know how you can be. And I heard through the grapevine that she punched you pretty good.” Nikki grinned. “I imagine it was for a reason.”

Maddox moistened his lips. “I let her.”

Nikki gave him a look. “I was told you fell on your butt.”

Maddox narrowed his eyes. “She surprised me.”

“You even got a split lip out of it.” She wagged her eyebrows. Who had told her all this? Did she have spies he didn’t know about?

Maddox averted her gaze. “I thought she would hold back more.”

Nikki folded her arms. “You were wrong.”

“I was…” Maddox inhaled. “I was dead wrong.” It was what happened after that that flooded his thoughts. When he finally came back to the present, Nikki’s eyes twinkled. “Stop it.”

“Stop what?” Nikki said innocently.

“Stop leaping ahead. Nothing may come of it.” He didn’t want to dwell on that possibility though.

“But you like her?” Nikki tilted her head.

Maddox dropped his eyes. “More than I want to admit.”

Nikki grabbed his arm and started shaking him. Or trying to.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m excited!” She hopped up and down.

“Okay, well, you’re still scaring me.” Maddox tried to shake off her hand.

Nikki stopped and pouted her lips. “I’m just happy. Both of my brothers are finally coming around.”

He gave her a small smile. “I have something more serious to talk to you about though.”

“What?” Nikki’s sparkle faded.

“I’m worried about Danny’s kids. Tiffany was trying to keep close to Mila.” Tiffany’s radio silence since Mila left New York didn’t mean she’d forgotten about Mila.

She nodded. “I’m listening.”

“It’s not a surprise that Danny’s older children want to protect their interests,” Maddox told her. “I’d heard they weren’t thrilled about the new marriage and I’m sure they’ve been suspicious of Mila’s mother. But my sources have pulled more specific information, and I think they’ve been keeping a close eye on her mom. Especially when they heard rumors that Danny was updating his will.”

“It makes sense,” Nikki said.

“It does. And I wouldn’t do things any differently. I’m afraid if we start dating…” He trailed off. “I’m not saying Mila wants to, but if we did…”

“It might provoke Danny’s kids to make a move,” Nikki finished. “Of course, if their father did change his will there isn’t much they can do about it.”

“No. But if they feel there’s a chance he hasn’t updated it yet, I’m sure they won’t hold back from trying to stop it.” He sighed. “And I’m sure they will see Mila dating me as an alliance. I would. I know Mila would never think to contest them for Danny’s money. But they don’t know her. And they won’t wait to see if she cares or not.”

Nikki watched him. “I know that face. It’s the going-to-war face.”

Maddox shook his head. “At this stage, I’m not sure what to do.”