Juliet invited Mila to help with a fundraiser she and Jalen were hosting. Fortunately, it corresponded with Maddox’s trip, so Mila had more time. As far as she knew, they didn’t know she was working for Maddox, and she preferred to keep it that way.

Juliet’s friend, Kaelyn, was also involved, and between them and Juliet’s full-time assistant, it was a big chat-fest as they worked.

Jalen had to go out of town for a night, so Juliet invited them all to stay over. It was the first slumber party Mila had been to since she was a teenager. They got pizza and ate cupcakes that Kaelyn made. Then Kaelyn insisted they play truth or dare for fun.

“Truth or dare?” Juliet asked Mila when it was her turn.

“Truth.” This wasn’t Mila’s favorite game right now, but she wanted to be a good sport.

Juliet thought about it. “Are the rumors that you kissed Maddox true? Because he claims they are but I’m not sure I buy it.”

Mila blinked. Juliet didn’t mess around. Mila debated quickly about what to say. She could deny it, but all this was her own fault. “Yes,” she blurted out. “It’s true.”

Juliet and Kaelyn stared back at her. “Do you…like him?” Juliet ventured. “Because that’s not the impression I’ve gotten.”

Mila shook her head though it didn’t feel quite right somehow. “I…” After taking a breath, she said, “I was upset at someone, and it was an impulse to get back at them.” She would take the name of that person to her grave.

Juliet nodded slowly. “That was a dangerous move,” Juliet added. “Maddox doesn’t pass over opportunities like that.”

Mila dropped her eyes. “Hence the rumors.” And other things she wouldn’t tell them.

“So are you playing games too?” Juliet was surprisingly forthright and acute.

Mila hugged her knees to her chest as she formulated a response. “Honestly, I don’t think I’m even on the board. He told me I couldn’t beat him, and I’m realizing he’s probably right.”

Juliet studied her. “You don’t seem like the type to social climb.”

“I’m not. I just want to look out for my mother…and myself. I don’t think she understands what she may have jumped into.” Tiffany had been quiet all this time but to some extent, it worried her. Mila even wondered if she should have played along with Maddox at the beginning, but she immediately scratched it. That would have been worse in the long run.

“Probably not.” Juliet sighed but then perked up. “You know, I could try and mediate and at least call a truce if you want. I’ve gotten to know Maddox since I married Jalen and he does have his good points. I can’t promise he’ll listen to me, but I do think I have a chance.”

Mila liked the sounds of it but doubted anyone could help her at this point. “Only if you want to. He is your brother-in-law.” The last thing she needed was more problems with the Cross family.

Juliet waved it off with a twinkle in her eyes. “Trust me, he owes me.”

Mila shrugged. “Then I won’t say no.” Of course, it could come back to bite her, but she’d take her chances.

Juliet promised to try soon though Mila’s expectations were low. However, a few days later, Maddox called her early in the morning. “Nice play,” he said, bypassing courtesies.

Mila rubbed her eyes as she turned over on the bed. “What do you want?” she croaked out.

“That was smart getting Juliet on your side. I doubted you would do something like that.” He sounded calm but not as clinical as he had in the past.

Mila started to come to and remembered her conversation with Juliet. “I didn’t do anything. It was her idea.”

“Well, it was smart to agree to it.” Something in his tone was different but Mila couldn’t pinpoint what. Of course, she was still coming out of a dream, so she could barely hit the right button on her phone. “Though I want you to know my terms are conditional.”

Mila forced herself up. “What are you talking about?” And why did he sound so alert?

“Haven’t you talked to Juliet?”

“Not since the day before yesterday.” Her voice was still scratchy as she tried to make sense of the conversation.

“Oh.” His voice fell. “Well, I’ll let her handle things then. But know I don’t like to be taken advantage of.” Even though he sounded sharp at the end, it felt put on.

“Whatever,” Mila said. She just wanted to go back to sleep. “You could’ve called at a more normal time.”

“Right.” He sounded apologetic. “I forgot how early it is there. I’ll let you go back to bed.”

“Mm-hmm.” Mila’s eyes drooped.

“Goodnight, I guess.”