After recovering from Mila’s sabotage enough to travel, Maddox decided to go home for the day. But he forgot something important and returned to his office to grab it.

Maddox paused at his desk as the voices of Mila and Parker floated out from the bathroom.

“I’m sorry,” Mila said. “Now you’ll have to get all of His Majesty’s food and drinks again.”

Maddox had banned her from touching anything indefinitely for obvious reasons.

“Don’t worry about it,” Parker told her. “I wouldn’t be here if I couldn’t take some repercussions here and there.” After a pause, Parker added, “I’m having a party this weekend. Nothing huge. Would you like to come? You can bring your aunt if you like.”

“That would be nice.” Mila didn’t sound overly enthusiastic, but she didn’t say no.

And for some reason, Maddox seethed internally. But he got what he needed and breezed out of the office before they saw him.

The next day, he announced he needed Mila for an event. It was only a coincidence that it corresponded to Parker’s party. Or that’s what he told himself.

“It would be better if I went,” Parker said quickly. Was he trying to make himself look good to Mila?

“No. Mila’s coming. Enjoy your time off.” He smiled at Parker, who seemed dismayed. Mila only glanced at the floor.

On their way out of his office, he heard Mila whisper, “I guess I can’t come to your party after all.”

Parker whispered back, “It’s all right. I’ll have another one. Just for you.”

Maddox inhaled sharply after they shut the door. This was work, not a matchmaking service.

He made sure Mila had the details about the black-tie event and that he expected her to look like she belonged there.

When he had her meet him at his house, she certainly did.

A black gown hugged her body and flared out toward the ground. She adjusted a bejeweled earring that caught the light from the chandelier as he approached the entryway. He cleared his throat and Mila met his eyes.

“Is this appropriate?” she asked tersely and dropped her arms.

His eyes skimmed over her, and he might have been a little too happy to have an excuse to do so. “Of course. You look nice.”

Mila gripped her clutch with one hand where a monstrous ring sat on her index finger. Could that be a gift from Jackson?

Maddox adjusted his tie. “Shall we?” He held the door open for her and she marched past him with her back straight.

Mila remained stiff on the ride there. He wondered if she regretted missing Parker’s party that much or if it was something else.

At the event, she loosened up and hung back a pace as Maddox greeted different people he knew. But she drew their attention too. And Maddox couldn’t be surprised.

When Mila stepped away for a few minutes, an old acquaintance said, “The new girlfriend is stunning. Where did you meet? I’m positive I haven’t seen her before.”

Maddox was about to correct him and set it straight that Mila was his new assistant, but he stopped himself. What difference did it make what anyone assumed?

Instead, he simply told him, “New York. We met by chance.” It was true. They had met in New York, and it was somewhat by chance. He just couldn’t bring himself to correct the assumption that Mila was his girlfriend for some reason.

He smiled brightly when she returned, and Mila hesitated but forced a smile. He knew she’d be livid that everyone assumed they were dating. And therefore, he just wouldn’t tell her.

Mila survived the event with Maddox. He was nice to her while they were there, which did make it easier to bear. If only he acted that way all the time.

After the event, Mila was basking in a day off when her mother called and sounded all mopey. “Did you have a fight with Danny or something?” Not that Mila wanted to know, but it was the only thing that came to mind.

“Oh, no. But it’s terrible news.” She sighed dramatically. “Maddox has a new girlfriend.”

Mila stared out the window of the living room balancing a coffee mug on her knee. Not that she spent every minute with Maddox, but she thought she’d probably know about this before her mother. “Well, he certainly gets around.”

“How can you joke at a time like this?” Her mother sighed again. Then her tone changed. “Although he is supposed to be in San Francisco right now.”

Mila shut her eyes. She was sure that wasn’t good news for her. Why did her mother always have to know where Maddox Cross was? Did she have a spy watching him or something? It was terribly inconvenient on all levels.

After a pause, her mother added, “I have a brilliant idea!”

“No,” Mila said firmly.

Her mother clicked her tongue. “You haven’t heard me out yet.”

“I don’t need to.” Mila sat up straighter in her chair. So much for a relaxing morning. “I can guess what you’re thinking, and the answer is no. Besides, you just told me Maddox has a girlfriend, so it’s pointless.”

“Nothing is pointless, and you will hear me out.” Her mother took a breath. “We were invited to an event in San Francisco, but it conflicts with another, more important engagement. But I could suggest to Danny that you go in our place as a representative.”

Mila shook her head fervently as panic set in. How did her mother manage to come up with these scenarios on the fly? “I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“It’s a wonderful idea.” She could picture her mother flicking her hand.