Mila thought about what Maddox told her as Tiffany cackled at something someone said. It made sense to keep her around if Tiffany was worried the rumors were true.

What Tiffany didn’t realize was that though the rumors were true, the reasons for it were not what everyone assumed.

As people started filing out, Savannah captured her as Mila started to leave too. Mila had said good-bye to Tiffany, who climbed in her red sports car and rode off without a second glance.

“Come have coffee with my grandmother and me,” Savannah said. “She wants to meet you.”

“Oh…” Mila rubbed the back of her neck. She could only imagine why Savannah’s grandmother would care to meet her.

“It’s my maternal grandmother.” Savannah waved off Mila’s concerns. “She has no stake with my father. Trust me.” She smirked.

Mila hesitated, but Savannah seemed the most sincere of anyone she’d met. “Okay. Where should I meet you?”

“Meet me?” She laughed as a man opened the back door of a car for her. “You’re riding with me. Come on.” She ducked inside and motioned for Mila to follow.

After hesitating a second, Mila obeyed.

They rode through the city until reaching rows of townhouses in Manhattan. Mila was more familiar with this section of the city than she ever imagined she’d be.

Savannah led her inside, calling out to her grandmother. “I brought a guest!”

“In here!” Came a faint voice.

Savannah turned to Mila and grinned. “She’s going to love this,” she whispered.

They walked down a hallway to a sitting room in the back. Mila admired the traditional molding and cheerful blue walls as they entered. Even the wood floors squeaked in appropriate places.

A woman with crisp white hair sat in a wheelchair at a round pedestal table and lit up when Savannah entered. Savannah bent over to kiss her cheek and then stepped aside. “Nan, I brought someone to meet you. This is Mila Nelson. Mila, this is my grandmother, Meg.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Mila said, hanging near the door.

Meg waved her forward. “Well, get close enough so I can get a solid look at you. My eyes aren’t what they used to be.” She fumbled with the glasses strung around her neck and appraised Mila. “No wonder he’s so desperate to get you in his clutches. He should be.”

Mila flushed as she took a guess that Meg meant Maddox Cross. Savannah’s eyes twinkled.

Meg made them sit down at the pedestal table and called out to a woman who stuck her head inside and then ran off to make coffee. “And how did Tiffany treat you this afternoon as her honored guest?” Meg asked with a sly look.

Mila clasped her hands in her lap. “She was very polite.”

Meg’s eyes twinkled. “I’m impressed. She’s already learned how to spin everything for PR, Savannah.” She rested against the table. “Now tell me what really happened.”

Mila gave a small smile. “I know Tiffany doesn’t want to be my friend, so I’m not sure what happened.”

“She’s jealous,” Savannah offered flatly. “Maddox has gone after me, and now you–and you’re very new on the scene. But he’s completely bypassed Tiffany. And she’s been squawking about her divorce for months.”

Meg set her eyes on Mila again. “You need to understand that Danny’s oldest children see themselves as the only true heirs to their father’s wealth. Savannah is considered the runt of the litter. And I’m sure they’re dead set on keeping you out of the picture entirely.”

“Well, I’m not actually related to Danny.” Mila shrugged. In her mind, that made a huge difference. She had no rightful claim to anything belonging to Danny Shaw, and she would never dream of pretending to.

Savannah and her grandmother exchanged a glance. “How does your mother see things?” Meg asked.

“What do you mean?” Mila had the sneaking suspicion she was making herself look naïve.

“Does she want you to benefit from her new marriage?” Meg arched her white eyebrows.