Savannah’s eyes sparkled knowingly as she met Mila’s gaze. “I’m sure Mila’s just as thrilled,” she said flatly. Savannah didn’t have much choice as Tiffany’s half-sister. But Mila didn’t consider herself part of the family. And she never intended to.

Mila put on her best smile and Savannah’s eyes only sparkled more.

Someone approached their group and Mila glanced over to find Maddox standing between her and Savannah. Savannah’s shoulders tensed. Tiffany was the only one who seemed happy to see him.

“What’s brought you back to New York so soon?” Tiffany asked with a glint in her eyes.

Mila held her breath as she waited for Maddox to answer.

“Business,” he said indifferently.

Tiffany smirked. “I bet.” Tiffany nudged Mila’s arm roughly. Mila fell off balance on her heels and Maddox caught her bare arm and steadied her. Their eyes locked briefly, and Mila jerked away. Chills covered her arm as she composed herself.

Maddox glanced over her curiously, but Mila pretended not to notice.

Tiffany giggled. “We all have our little secrets,” she said as she glanced between them.

“Not Mila,” Maddox said. “She’s an open book.”

Mila swore to herself she wouldn’t take the bait and bit her tongue. She would not do something to encourage the rumors. Or Maddox for that matter.

When Mila didn’t comment, Savannah’s face brightened, and she reached for Mila’s arm. “Excuse us,” she said. “There’s someone I want Mila to meet.”

Savannah didn’t wait for a reply and dragged Mila past Maddox and Tiffany toward the entrance.

“Thank you,” Mila whispered, and Savannah only nodded.

Mila assumed she’d only said that as an excuse but a man and woman coming inside lit up when they saw her too.

After quick hugs, Savannah introduced the man as her cousin, Damian. “And this is his wife, Finlay.”

Mila shook their hands. They already seemed to know who she was. But Mila couldn’t be surprised. They were related to Savannah and this type of information spread fast. Besides, they may have been at the wedding though Mila didn’t recall meeting them.

“Come on,” Savannah said, taking her cousin’s arm and then Mila’s. “Let’s catch up somewhere quieter.”

Without protest, Savannah led them to another room that was less crowded. And best of all, far away from Maddox.