Life had quickly forced out any thoughts about Mila Nelson. Or that’s how Maddox felt anyway. She only came to mind when his assistant reminded him of Danny’s wedding. And her memory was barely a blip on the radar now.

He wasn’t annoyed when he watched her walk down the aisle as her mother’s maid of honor. He had no problem acknowledging she looked beautiful. And it didn’t bother him when they crossed paths briefly at the reception. So, obviously he didn’t care anymore.

After the dinner, Maddox caught sight of Jackson Burke brooding on the sidelines. As Maddox approached him, he followed his sight line across the ballroom, which led straight to Mila, who chatted with another guest.

Maybe Maddox had been wrong. Maybe Jackson wanted Mila to become the main event.

Eventually, Jackson noticed him. The cobwebs vanished and Jackson put on a smile as they shook hands.

“Where’s your lovely fiancée?” Maddox asked.

“Around here somewhere.” Jackson took a swig of champagne. “I wasn’t sure you’d show up.”

Maddox raised his eyebrows. “Why not?”

“Because of the interesting rumors surrounding you and Mila Nelson.” Jackson hid a smile as his eyes gazed in her direction again.

No one had informed Maddox of any rumors. And he hated flying blind. “Right. Well, it takes more than that to scare me off.”

“Apparently.” Jackson met his eyes again. “I guess Mila didn’t want to be one of your victims. You must have really crossed the line somehow.”

The slap. So that’s what was going around. Had Mila told someone to get back at him for everything? “And what’s your interest in Mila?” Maddox asked indifferently.

“Who says I have an interest?” Jackson checked his empty glass.

“You’re not the only one with information.” Maddox watched Mila walk to another cluster of guests. She seemed to be handling this well.

After a second, Jackson laughed lightly. “You were the one who told Mila, weren’t you?” He tilted his glass. “Figures. You couldn’t win her over, so you threatened her instead.”

“I didn’t threaten anyone.” Maddox dug his hands in his pockets. “I just offered information.”

“I bet.” Jackson smiled humorlessly. “I’m sure you didn’t have any ulterior motives.”

“I have nothing against you.” For now, Jackson didn’t figure much into Maddox’s game plan one way or another.

“Maybe not. Though I wouldn’t assume the feeling’s mutual now.” Jackson’s blue eyes tightened. He set his empty glass on a tray as a server passed, turned, and maneuvered through the crowd in the opposite direction.

Maddox pressed his lips tight. Jackson wasn’t much of a threat. Still, he should have kept that bit of information to himself.

Mila watched Jackson slip his arm around the waist of his fiancée on the other side of the room. Her chest tightened and she felt like she was suffocating around all these people. She navigated around individuals and groups huddled together talking and finally found an exit.

She let the door shut out the chatter and music and took deeper breaths out in the quieter hallway.

Mila knew for certain she didn’t love Jackson or even want to be in a relationship with him. But it was still a painful reminder of how foolish she’d been all that time.

“You look lovely.”

Mila glanced around to find the source of the voice and faced Maddox Cross. He leaned against the wall and pushed off when she saw him.

Mila swallowed. Months had passed since she saw him, and they’d only seen each other briefly earlier. But now they were alone, and she wasn’t sure she was okay with that. “Thank you.”

Maddox half smiled. “It’s all right. I’m not interested in another round with you.”

She exhaled to breathe in properly. Between the wedding itself and seeing Jackson again–plus fiancée–she was in no mood to duke it out with Maddox Cross.

“You seem much more comfortable than you did the last time we met like this.” Maddox appraised her.

Mila guessed he meant the gala all those months ago. “I’ve had a lot of practice.”

“I suppose you have.” He tilted his head. “You seem to have adapted well. How is high society suiting you these days?”

“The same way it did before.” Mila watched him carefully.

“You’re still not gunning for a rich catch?” He aimed his glass at the ballroom. “From the talk I’ve heard, there’s plenty of takers in there.”

Mila squared her shoulders. She wasn’t about to stand there and be patronized by this sorry excuse for a man. “If you’ll excuse me, I have something to do.”

He held out his free hand in defense. “I’m only kidding.”