Maddox sat in the dark in his house in Manhattan and stared at the ceiling. Mila’s words to him that night–that she loved him, and not in the past tense, repeated over and over in his head.

“I love you too,” he said in a whisper and rubbed a hand over his face. Why didn’t he say it to her? Even if Jackson was standing there–so, what? Maddox loved her. He knew that. And that hadn’t changed since they broke off the engagement.

But he’d been sidelined by jealousy as Jackson put his arm around Mila as if he now had the right to protect her. Mila’s actions, though, gave him hope that she didn’t want Jackson’s protection. But it still left Maddox with a lot of questions.

The next morning, Jalen crashed in on him for a change. Maddox had no idea he was even in New York. But Jalen made his purpose for coming clear immediately. “I came to give you some interesting news,” Jalen told him. “Wes got some information and I think it will clarify the Mila situation.”

They sat in the kitchen while Maddox read what Jalen had special-delivered himself. When he was done, he rested his head on his hand. “I think your friend has opened a bigger can of worms.”

“I know. But forget everything else and focus on the fact that the account Parker was paid from winds its way back to a false name that Jackson uses. And check out the photos of the woman who stood in to play Mila in some of them.” Jalen smiled. “It clears her. Completely.”

Maddox rubbed his forehead.

Jalen frowned. “You’ve got your beloved evidence. You’re supposed to jump up and go get her back now.”

“If this comes out, it could have a lot of other unintended consequences.” Maddox looked up. “I can’t just throw this information around.”

Jalen leaned over on his arms. “Do you love this woman or not? Because the business scenarios I see scrolling through your eyes have nothing to do with it.”

“I know they don’t for you. But I’m responsible for this company, Jalen, and everyone who depends on it. I can’t throw that to the side on a whim.” Even if Maddox knew for certain that his love for Mila was anything but a whim. He still had responsibilities to consider.

“This isn’t a whim. I know you well enough to realize you wouldn’t have asked her to marry you unless you meant it.” Jalen’s brown eyes were serious.

Maddox swallowed. He had a point, but things were still complicated.

“Who says this has to come out?” Jalen added. “The photos weren’t published. And if you take Mila back, that’s a pretty big statement on its own to anyone who wants to talk about it.”

Maddox wanted to go with Jalen’s cut-and-dry approach, but he couldn’t ignore the bigger issues at stake. “I don’t think Jackson will just disappear on his own though. Even if she’s willing to take me back, I doubt he’ll go away without a fight.”

Jalen smirked. “As if a fight has ever frightened you off.”

“This is different.” Maddox narrowed his eyes.

“Is it? I think it’s more interesting. And worth going after.” Jalen sat up straighter. “Come on. You know you don’t want to quietly melt into the background while Jackson flaunts their relationship. That’s not your style.”

Maddox had to agree with him there. Still, he’d never been in this position because of…love…and he didn’t know how to handle it.

Jalen drummed his fingers on the table. “Mila told Juliet that her mother wants her to go to the upcoming Rappaport fundraiser ball since she’s in New York anyway. Mila was hesitating but I’d bet Juliet could persuade her.”

“And?” Maddox couldn’t see how that helped.

“And you have your opportunity on a silver platter.” Jalen waved his hands toward Maddox. “Women love these scenarios. Go dance with her and take her outside and tell her you love her under the moonlight.”

“Since when did you become an expert on what women want? Last I heard from your wife, you won her over by sheer chance.” Maddox had learned quickly that Jalen and Juliet had very different perspectives on how they ended up together.

Jalen made a face. “Fine. Don’t go. Watch that punk romance Mila into an oblivion because he will. Let him dance with her and whisper he loves her under the moonlight and don’t try to stop it.” Jalen started to stand up.

“Wait,” Maddox said and slumped back in his chair. Thoughts of Jackson holding Mila–and winning her heart–made him sick. “You’re sure Juliet can convince her to go?”

Jalen nodded confidently. “We’ll be there, so Mila will have an entourage. It’ll be fine.”

Maddox inhaled. Jalen was right. It wasn’t his style to back down. Jackson might think he’d won this war, but it was just beginning.