Jeff knew what he was doing. Maddox couldn’t go after him directly after that stunt at the engagement party because of Maddox’s relationship with Danny and Mila’s mother.

Furthermore, he’d planted that idea about Parker and Mila in his head now and Maddox couldn’t seem to shake it.

It was ludicrous that she would ever have gone out with him. On the other hand, Parker had been nice to her, and they were thrown together all the time. It was Maddox’s fault, but still.

Mila didn’t volunteer a response one way or another either. So, on their way back to the hotel that night, he came out and asked. “Did you ever go out with Parker? Because you haven’t said a word about it.”

Mila kept her eyes straight ahead. “I was surprised by that too. I would expect something about Jackson. But Parker was out of nowhere.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.” Maddox wanted a straight answer.

She finally looked up at him. “I never went out with him on a date. We got pizza together once and that was it.”

“Do you think he liked you?” Maddox watched her carefully. “Because the more I think about it, I think he did.”

Mila blinked back at him. “I…he never said anything…” Her eyes wandered away as she processed that.

Maddox rested his head back. “He invited you to a party and was disappointed I made you work. He also willingly helped you clean the bathroom. Then, his attitude darkened when I told him you weren’t working for me anymore and it’s never really improved. I didn’t know what to make of it then. Now I think it’s because he knew we were dating.”

It made a lot of sense in hindsight. Parker was close to the situation, and he wasn’t completely oblivious. Maddox just never figured it would be a problem.

It took a bit for Mila to digest that. Finally, she said, “It does make some sense. He was cold toward me in Europe when he told me I was leaving. I couldn’t see a reason for it at the time.”

“And you’re sure you never did anything else together outside of work?” He wanted to believe her, but it was nagging at him that she might not be telling him everything.

Mila shook her head. “I never even thought about it except when he asked.”

That was something. Though this didn’t give him much to work with.

“What should we do?” Mila stared at her lap.

Maddox inhaled. “I hate situations like this. But I think we’ll have to wait. I can’t just go on the offensive blindly. Especially with your mother involved.”

Mila’s lips puckered.

Part of him hoped it was a bluff. Maybe if they waited, nothing would come of it, and they could go about their business.

It was a long shot, but he’d hold onto it for now.