Mila was nervous about the dinner with her mother and Danny. She was sure they’d only been invited because of Maddox, but she figured it was good to make an appearance.

Again, Maddox made sure she was styled and dressed to the max. When she came down the stairs to the foyer, he pulled a black box from his coat pocket and pried it open.

Then, he pulled out a necklace.

“What’s this?” Mila asked.

Maddox walked around her and draped it around her neck. “Something to go with your bracelet.” He latched the necklace and kissed her jaw.

She fingered it. “You know I’m not with you for all of this, right?” She still felt awkward riding on his success, and she didn’t want any misunderstandings about what mattered to her.

“I do.” Maddox pulled her long, brunette waves back from her bare shoulders. “It only makes me want to share more.”

Mila half smiled though she still felt uneasy. She knew it shouldn’t matter how people viewed her, but she also knew exactly what they would think: like mother, like daughter.

She would have to accept that part of their life together. People would judge and she had to let it go. As long as Maddox knew how she truly felt that’s all that counted.

Mila hadn’t been inside her mother’s new home very many times. But her mother welcomed them enthusiastically. Again, it was because of Maddox, but Mila played along.

“This could be advantageous,” Danny told them as they ate. “Provided this isn’t one of your whirlwind romances, Maddox.”

Even though Maddox smiled, Mila could tell that comment irritated him. “I’m putting that all behind me.”

Her mother’s face lit up and her eyes darted to Mila eagerly.

“I’d say it’s about time,” Danny said. “You have a legacy to maintain. You know, your father and I went way back.”

“I know,” Maddox said soberly.

“You’ve done a tremendous job,” Danny told him. “You’ve outdone your father and that’s an achievement.”

“Thank you.” Maddox held his fork over his plate. “I’ve tried to continue what he started.”

Mila smiled to herself. She knew how seriously he took his role.

“You have. And I believe you’re on your way to even greater things.” Danny glanced at Mila. She wasn’t sure why, but Maddox seemed satisfied about something, though he was low-key as always.

When they got back in the car, he gazed out the window as they were taken back. He dropped her off at her hotel and told her he had some work to do. She wanted to know what was on his mind but held back.

“I think it’s time to go home, don’t you?” Maddox asked as he walked her to her room.

“I think so.” San Francisco did feel like home now.

Maddox smiled. “Then don’t get too comfortable. We’re headed back soon.”

His goodnight kiss seemed normal, so maybe he was just concerned with work. It wasn’t a new concept, and she was learning to recognize the signs.

Since Maddox had some business to take care of, Mila was on her own the next day. Part of her wanted to wander back to her old neighborhood and haunts, but she hesitated. None of it seemed that special now. And, frankly, she had some strange memories from that time of her life. So, she decided to take Maddox’s advice and go shopping.

On her way out of the lobby, Tiffany materialized from one of the lounge areas and hurried over as fast as she could in heels.

She swung her arms out wide and latched onto Mila before she could run for it. “I’ve missed you so much!” Tiffany hopped up and down on her toes. “I wanted to talk to you at the gala, but you were so popular I couldn’t get near you.” Tiffany pouted as she stepped back.

Mila put a little more distance between them. “The gala was packed the other night. How have you been?”

“How have I been?” Tiffany smacked Mila’s arm with her purse. “How have you been? You couldn’t be bothered to tell me, your own sister, that you were dating?”

Mila rubbed her arm. It amazed her how genuine Tiffany made their relationship sound. If nothing else, Mila could probably learn a thing or two from her about surviving this world. “Truthfully, I didn’t tell my mother right away either. We were trying to keep it low-key at first.”

“Low-key.” Tiffany tsked. “No one wants to be low-key when they’re dating a man like that.”

“Maddox wanted it.” And so did Mila but she also wanted Tiffany off her case. “But we’re public now. So, what brings you here?” Mila glanced around, hoping Tiffany was meeting someone.

“You, silly!”