“I can’t imagine what you did for work there,” Nikki added sarcastically. After giving the woman a once-over, she said, “That’ll be all. You can go now.”

The daughter-in-law tried to put on a tough front, but her shoulders slumped as she marched out. She apparently wasn’t as resilient as Tiffany.

“Maddox didn’t tell me you’d be here,” Mila said, relieved.

“That’s because he doesn’t know. Jalen called and it sounded like you might need backup.” Nikki winked. “Nearly everyone here came out of the gutter, okay? The only thing that separates them from you is in their imagination. You’ll learn to hold your own, so don’t worry.”

“Where are you sitting?” Mila and Maddox were with his brother and Juliet. She would’ve expected Nikki to be there too.

“With your mother and Danny.” She grinned wickedly. “I’ve had nothing but good things to say about you. I’m sure his devil spawn have wanted to tear their faces off not knowing what we’re talking about. I’ve been gone for a while, but I haven’t exactly been out of the loop.” She whispered, “I know things. Come on. Let’s go before Maddox thinks you’ve been kidnapped.”

When they returned to the ballroom, Tiffany caught her eye across the room and waved her hot pink clutch enthusiastically as she stood on her toes to see over people’s heads. Mila put on a bright smile and waved back.

“You’re very brave,” Nikki told her through her smile.

Maybe, but Mila didn’t know how else to handle Tiffany. And time would tell if she could keep up the act.

Nikki was silent on what she’d said to Danny at the gala, insisting it was only chitchat. But after that, Danny invited them to dinner. Maybe it was because of Mila, but he kind of doubted it.

Maddox had some things rescheduled so they could stay in New York longer. Developing a good rapport with Danny could help Mila and Maddox thought it would be worth it.

Before the dinner, Maddox and Mila went to an informal gathering in the VIP box at one of Connor Torres’ clubs in the city. Jalen and Juliet were there along with Roman and Xander and Sasha. Maddox vaguely remembered Connor and Roman flirting with Mila before they met, and Maddox made sure not to leave her alone with them.

“This is a turnabout for you,” Xander said to Maddox. “Normally, I would advise Mila against this. But it looks like things have changed.”

Sasha smacked his arm.

“It’s true,” Xander told her defensively.

“I don’t have a problem admitting that Xander’s right.” Maddox gazed around at the group watching them. Aside from his brother, he imagined the news that he was dating Mila had been a hot topic with them. “I’m fortunate that Mila is willing to overlook my past mistakes.” And they were mistakes. He should have listened to Jalen and Nikki and stopped his dating for business habits a long time ago.

Mila squeezed his hand. He could take the raised eyebrows and speculation as long as Mila knew he truly loved her.

“Look,” Roman said, “it’s just a fact that every one of you has a sketchy past.” He aimed his glass at Jalen, Xander, and Maddox in turn. “And you should just be grateful that these gorgeous women by your sides have graciously overlooked that.” He took a swig of his drink.

“As if your past is squeaky clean?” Connor said indignantly.

“Here we go,” Xander muttered to his wife, who suppressed a smile.

Roman lowered his glass and said to Mila, “He thinks because he got shot that he’s hotter than me now.”

Mila listened with a straight face as if this was a perfectly serious conversation, but Maddox could see a hint of amusement in her eyes.

“I was always hotter than you.” Connor crossed his arms.

Maddox had trouble believing this was a real conversation, and that both participants were dead serious, but they were his brother’s friends. Even if Jalen always acted like they weren’t.

“Whatever.” Jalen waved them all off and pulled his wife in closer. “I, for one, am not looking back.”

Juliet smiled, and Sasha rested her head against Xander.

Maddox glanced over and Mila wore a small smile. Was she thinking about him?

After meeting their social quota for the evening, they said their good-byes, and Mila leaned against him in the back of the car on the way to her hotel.

“Do you want to look back?” Mila asked. “You know, to before…me?”

He considered the question honestly. He remembered when they met and what his goal had been in trying to charm her. It wasn’t pretty. Now, he couldn’t understand why he only viewed her as a business prospect. “Not for a second.”

Mila smiled and snuggled closer. “Have you ever been shot?”

Maddox did a double-take. “What? No!”

“How about shot at?” She sounded perfectly serious.