Maddox had taken off for the day–alone–but Mila was still stuck on what had happened in the gym.

“Are you okay?”

Mila jumped at the sound of Parker’s voice. She’d been lost in her own thoughts all day, so it was just as well Maddox wasn’t around barking orders.

“You seem distracted,” he added.

“Oh…well, I’m fine.” She’d been terrified of going to work that day. Terrified about what would happen when she saw Maddox. But nothing happened.

She didn’t feel excited, and Maddox barely acknowledged her. She’d just been imagining things the day before. But that didn’t stop her from having to think about it.

“If you don’t have plans, would you want to grab a pizza after work?” Parker asked.

Mila realized her thoughts had drifted off again and it took her a second to process. “That would be great. I mean, I don’t have anything going on tonight.”

Parker smiled and seemed somewhat relieved.

Before Mila called it done for that day, she had some folders to leave in Maddox’s office. She’d been told he was gone for the rest of the night, so she marched right in without knocking.

But Maddox stood by the desk, his dress shirt unbuttoned. Her eyes went wide and for a terrifying moment, Mila thought he had a woman in the room with him. But when she scanned it, nobody else was there.

She hugged the folders to her chest as her heart raced. “I didn’t know you were coming back tonight.”

Maddox didn’t seem as surprised as she was. “I came back to change since it was closer. I have a dinner meeting.”

“Oh.” Mila didn’t know everything about his schedule like Parker did.

His eyes swept over her. “Are those for me?”

Mila blinked, then realized he meant the folders. She walked with as much composure as possible and placed them on the desk. “Have a good night,” she told him, trying not to glance at what was going on under his shirt.

She hurried toward the door when Maddox called out for her. She paused and turned. “Yes?”

“I’ll be gone for a few days,” Maddox told her. “Parker’s coming with me.”

“He mentioned it.” Mila clasped her hands to help steady herself.

He hesitated. “I thought I’d give you some time off. I was sure you wouldn’t mind a break from me.”

Mila fought to hide all the disappointment that settled down on her and nodded. “A vacation would be nice.”

“That’s what I thought.” She thought she detected a sliver of disappointment in his voice. “Though I’m sure Parker will miss the company.”

Mila forced a smile.

As she walked out, she fought down the surge of misery rising. Two days ago, this news would have been a reason to celebrate. Why was she disappointed?

Mila was miles away mentally while Parker chatted during dinner at a fancier pizzeria not too far from where they worked. What had she expected from Maddox? She knew the type of guy he was. And she’d also realized that she’d been off-guard in the gym that day.

Maddox charmed women all the time for business purposes. If she’d been paying attention, it never would have worked. But she’d assumed he wouldn’t bother in private like that again. Apparently, that was a dangerous conclusion.

“I’ll miss you.”

Mila blinked. She was staring right at Parker, but his face was blurry. “What?”

He glanced down. “It’s…it’s been nice having you around. It can be kind of a lonely job sometimes.”

Mila tried to come back to the present. “I can see that. But you’ll be back before you know it. It’s just a few days. And we have these things called phones now.”

Parker half smiled. “True. But it’s actually a few weeks.”

“Weeks?” Mila heard the surprise in her voice, but it was too late. “I thought I heard days.”

“No. We’re bouncing around. First, New York, then on to Europe. He’s got a packed schedule.” Parker exhaled. “These trips are always exhausting.”

“I would imagine.” Mila fought to beat down everything. She felt foolish for feeling disappointed that she wouldn’t see Maddox for weeks. And stupid for being sucked in like that in the gym. Especially when Maddox probably wouldn’t give her a second thought.

“I suppose you’ll be happy to be away from him for a while,” Parker added.

Mila tried to stay in the conversation as her head swam. “Oh…yeah. I’m sorry you’ll have to take all his nonsense alone.”

Parker shrugged a shoulder. “You’ve had it worse. But you will keep in touch while I’m gone?”

Mila nodded though she felt a million miles away. “Of course.”

Parker smiled brightly. “Another slice?”

“Sure.” Mila watched as he slid another piece on her plate, and she choked down every bite.

Once she was home, Mila crashed onto her bed and stared into the dark. Why did she care what Maddox was doing? And why was she worried about whom he might be doing it with once he was gone?

She never wanted to be in this situation in the first place, so if Maddox moved on to someone new it was for the best. Right?

Right, she told herself sternly and turned over. It was for the best. And that’s what she would keep telling herself until she truly believed it.