Mila flushed.

Maddox leaned in conspiratorially. “If you think you’re going to get the upper hand that way, you have another thing coming.”

Mila didn’t flinch as usual. But she didn’t look as defiant either. As she tapped her manicured nails on the bar, she said, “My mother thinks this is simple. She told me all I had to do was be visible and you wouldn’t be able to help yourself.” She snickered derisively. “While that’s one of the nicer things she’s said to me lately, it also shows how little she knows you. Nothing is simple when you’re involved.”

Maddox flashed back to how irritated he felt when he saw Mila with Wes at the cocktail party. Mila didn’t know he was there, so she wasn’t using Wes to get his attention. She was just visible…and Maddox couldn’t help himself.

He dropped his eyes. What was wrong with him? Did he pretend like he was going to kiss her again because of a master plan? And what prompted him to chase her to his brother’s house anyway?

He didn’t know and he couldn’t stand there in front of her unarmed.

Maddox bolted upright and pushed his glass away. “You don’t know anything about what I think,” he shot back. “I’m sure Wes will gladly take you home. I’m getting out of here.”

Mila glanced in concern from him to his glass. “Maybe you should wait.”

“What? You’re worried now that you’ve insulted me? I’m fine.” He buttoned his jacket and marched away as she opened her mouth to reply.

He could hear shouts from the pool table as he slammed the door. Then he paused in the driveway, his eyes landing on Wes’ electric blue sports car. He harumphed. “Flashy little punk,” he muttered and climbed into his own black car and pulled out into the street.

If Mila liked Wes so much, he could have her.

Mila wasn’t sure what set off Maddox that night as she watched him zip out into the street, and she wondered if it was the drink. He sounded frustrated, but she had no clue why. But it bothered her the rest of the night.

As Mila got ready for work on Monday, her mother called. She hesitated but answered anyway. “I can’t talk right now,” she said. “I’m…” She almost said heading to work but caught herself. “I’m heading out soon.”

“This won’t take long,” her mother said. “I just heard some interesting news. Danny had a conversation with Maddox recently. Maddox saw you at that party and he had some interesting things to say about you.”

Her mother paused. After a moment, Mila asked, “What did he say?” She didn’t want to care what Maddox said about her but she knew she did. What was about to happen to her now?

“He says you’re an awful tease. You were making him jealous with some other man but then you acted like Maddox was the only one in the room.” Her mother clicked her tongue. “That’s not like you, Mila. But I won’t argue because it seems to be working! He wanted my advice about how to capture your attention.”

Mila clenched her fist. “And what did you tell him?” she asked warily. She could only imagine what her mother would come up with.

“Oh, this and that. I didn’t want to make it too easy. Besides, I don’t want to ruin your plan. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

Mila wanted to sigh. And she wanted to drill her mother about what she told Maddox. But she was out of time.

When she arrived at work right on time, she met Parker in the hallway. “You’re back!” She smiled wide after giving him a quick hug.

When she stepped back, Parker grinned sheepishly. “I’m sure it’s because of you. I don’t know what you said, but he called me himself and everything.”

Mila was happy she’d done something right. “You’re a great assistant. I’m sure he realized he was stupid for firing you.”

Parker’s eyes twinkled. “I highly doubt that. But thanks. For whatever you did.”

Mila shrugged it off. But she was happy to have someone to commiserate with again.

They both got back to business as usual and a short time later, Mila set Maddox’s coffee down on his desk and watched him. No one else was around and the conversation with her mother replayed in her head. To think she’d wasted valuable energy worrying about him after he left Jalen’s house.

Maddox finally looked up. “Yes?”

Mila gazed down at him. “I’m a tease, am I?”

He looked back down at his tablet. “You already heard.”

Mila folded her arms. “What is your problem?”

“Right now?” He side-eyed her.

“You know what I mean.” Mila slanted her eyes. This was probably pointless, but she had to say something. Especially after the stink he made about Wes.

He set his tablet aside and stood. “I can’t help it if you keep handing me opportunities on a platter.”

Mila wanted to object but then she had decided to act like an idiot and try and play games at the cocktail party.

“Exactly.” Maddox stepped closer and loomed over her. “I told you, you won’t get the upper hand. So stop trying.” His eyes swept over her. “You’ll only keep making a fool of yourself.”

Mila tightened her arms as her blood boiled. Mostly because she did feel like a fool. She felt like a fool because she thought Maddox was going to kiss her–and was somewhat okay with it. And then she felt like an even bigger fool when she trusted him and discovered the gate was locked. The cherry on top was that she worried about him after he stormed out of his brother’s house.