Maddox had found an interesting piece of information about Mila. She’d lost her job. And that led him to wonder how spiteful Jackson Burke really was because Maddox knew now that Jackson played a large role in that fashion house’s existence.

Whatever the reason, Maddox mulled over her new situation. It could be something her newfound “family” would prey on. Maddox doubted that Mila would ask her mother for help. And doing so would probably create problems for her anyway.

But this could be a way for Mila to still be useful to him. He would just have to angle it right for her to go along with it.

Maddox had his assistant contact her. Mila, very reluctantly from what he heard, met Maddox in his office at his townhouse a few days later. His housekeeper shut the door behind her, and Mila hovered near it.

“Take a seat.” Maddox swept his hand toward a chair facing the desk. “This is an official visit. I promise I won’t try to kiss you.”

Mila narrowed her eyes but slowly took a seat. “What’s this about?”

“In short, it’s about a job.” Maddox leaned back in his desk chair casually. His shirt sleeves were rolled up and he’d ditched the tie for this occasion. “I know you lost yours and I think I can help.”

Surprise crossed her face briefly. But then she just looked resigned. She rubbed her hands up and down her lap and said, “I did lose my job. But I don’t see why that matters to you.”

Maddox laced his fingers together. “It’s simple. I need a second assistant, and you started as an assistant at that place you worked before moving on.”

“That was a little different than working for an executive,” she said flatly.

“Maybe so.” She wouldn’t deter him that easily. “But this could be to your advantage for two reasons. One, you need a job and probably soon. And two, moving to San Francisco would get you away from Tiffany and her suspicious eyes. Plus, it would be a temporary job. By the time you got something else, all these rumors would be history. Your new siblings might even forget about you.” That was unlikely but whatever worked.

Mila didn’t appear to buy his last claim. But she did seem to be processing his proposal. “What’s in it for you?”

He raised his eyebrows. “I need a second assistant.”

She snorted. “If that’s all, you would have gone through whatever agency you use to find someone who’s actually qualified.” Mila leaned forward. “What are you getting from this?”

Women didn’t usually cut through his arguments like this, and it still caught him by surprise. Maddox adjusted his position. “I’m getting an assistant.”

Mila sat up straight and folded her arms. “Stop wiggling around and just cut to the chase. What am I giving you in return?”

Maddox sighed. There was no talking around things with this woman. “All I’m asking is a little pull.”

“With Danny?” She quirked an eyebrow.

Maddox shrugged casually. “I’m sure your mother has some influence over him now. Dropping hints here and there wouldn’t hurt sometimes.”

Mila flopped back in her chair and stared at him. “Absolutely not. I’m not going to use my mother to help you get whatever you want from Danny. Besides, she’ll die if I told her I was your assistant and not your girlfriend.”

“So tell her we’re dating.” He lifted a shoulder as if that was an obvious solution. There were ways around her problem.

She narrowed her eyes. “A minute ago, you told me this would silence the rumors.”

“So, tell your mom it’s a secret.” What was so hard about this?

“You obviously don’t know anything about my mother. Keeping secrets is impossible for her.” Mila gripped her handbag and stood. “I’m afraid you’ll just have to find another way.”

As she turned to walk out, Maddox said, “An even more exciting rumor could be about you and Jackson.” He let that sink in a moment. “He’s the resident nice guy. And you are an upstart nobody. I’m thinking that would get people talking.”

Mila stopped and stiffened. She slowly turned back around. If she could have set him on fire with her eyes, Maddox was positive she would have. “You little scumbag.”

Maddox stood and dug his hands in his pockets. “I prefer to think of myself as determined.”

Mila’s jaw tightened. “You should at least give me some time to think about it.”

Maddox smiled. “Of course. I’m in New York until the weekend. You have until then to decide.”

Mila’s eyes hardened. She finally turned and swept out, slamming his office door.

“Ohh…” he said to himself. “I guess she doesn’t see a way out.”

That was bad for her. Good for him.