It took a while before Maddox caught Mila alone. Savannah and even Tiffany kept her busy. At least with Savannah, he knew it was on purpose. With Tiffany, it might be too. She might be afraid the rumors were true.

Maddox strolled up and planted himself next to Mila. She was off in a corner by herself observing the other guests. She looked startled to see him at first and then annoyed.

“This was a surprise,” he told her. “I figured you’d never be seen in this circle again.”

Mila moistened her lips. “I’m here because Tiffany invited me.”

“Ah…” So Tiffany was starting to show her hand.

“‘Ah’ what?” Mila asked with an edge to her voice.

Maddox searched for Tiffany in the crowd and pointed in her direction. “Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘keep your enemies closer?’”

“Of course,” she snapped. But he could see her working to put it together in her big eyes.

“She wants to make sure she knows what you’re up to,” Maddox whispered.

Mila made a face. “I can’t imagine why.” She set her fiery eyes on him. “I know you told my mother it was true.”

He stared back innocently. “Well, she asked. And it is true.”

Mila folded her arms. “I’m sure that’s exactly why you told her.”

“I know you think I always have ulterior motives, but I don’t.” He dug his hands in his pockets. Right now, he might, but that was beside the point. “And I’m not the one who drew an audience.” Jackson was the likely source of the rumors. Though someone else might have seen them.

Mila shook her head. Maybe in disbelief. “I don’t know what you think you’re going to accomplish with this, but I won’t just play into your hand.”

“Oh, I know. I knew I was wasting my time soon after we met.” Maddox watched Tiffany cackle and he cringed. Tiffany should probably be concerned that Mila would gain more popularity.

Mila looked up at him. “Then why do you keep hovering around me?”

He hesitated. But he knew why. “I never miss an opportunity.” He’d seen an opening and he took it.

“Well, enjoy it,” she said icily. “You won’t get another one.”

With that, Mila marched away from him. Her back was rigid and head high as she slipped between guests.

“I will,” he said to himself as he followed her with his eyes. This might be worth the trouble in the long run.

He checked his phone and sent a text to his assistant to scan Mila’s life for any changes in the past few months. He was curious how she was living these days. And if Jackson was totally out of her life or not.

Consumed with these thoughts, Savannah caught him off-guard as he put his phone away. He smiled easily as she stopped near him.

“So,” she said with her arms folded, “did you start those rumors out of spite or do you think it will work to your advantage?”

He feigned his best confused expression. “I don’t know what you mean.”

She leveled her light brown eyes on him as she leaned into one hip. “I realize your act suits some people, but I don’t need you or your act, which you discovered the hard way. So you may as well speak plainly for once.”

Savannah looked like a marshmallow but there was more of her mother’s steel in her than most people realized, including himself until recently.

Maddox relaxed onto one leg. “If you must know, I didn’t start anything. Actually, it’s not even a lie. Someone must have seen us and talked about it. But you know how that goes.”

Something flickered in her eyes, but she remained neutral otherwise. “I’d calculate more carefully from now on. Don’t underestimate my older siblings.”

“Who says I am?” Maddox was well-aware of their interests.

Savannah smirked. “Take my advice, and let the rumors die out as they come to nothing.”

He put a hand on his chest. “I’m touched by your concern for my welfare.”

“I have less than zero concern for you, Maddox. But unlike you and me, Mila has no safety net in this situation. And frankly, neither does her mother.” She took a breath. “So for once in your life, show some concern for someone other than yourself and let it go.”

Maddox bristled as Savannah leveled a warning glare at him and then swept back into the crowd.

How he’d ever thought he’d get anywhere with her, he didn’t know.

He caught a glimpse of Mila again as she moved around the room. He sighed and moved along himself. Maybe it was time to let this go. Not necessarily because of what Savannah said but because this might be growing more personal than he wanted to admit.

Either way, it was probably still time to head home.