“Since when do we go to war over a bitch who ain’t shit to us?” A voice grumbles from the back of the room.

“I’ll mind you all to keep shit respectful. She may be a Royal Harlot by patch, but she’s Viking’s sister by blood, and Hound is putting in his claim.” Prez stares each and every brother down. “That said. Harlots are an extension of us. Their problems concern us all. I’ll initiate a meet with Mona and Sanchez. I’m sure we’ll be able to reach an agreement that suits all parties.”

“And if we don’t?” The same complainer from a moment ago opens his mouth again and I’ve had just about enough. I look to determine who is speaking but can’t find the asshole.

“Then we’ll do what’s necessary,” East speaks up.

“This is bullshit. We’ve got bigger problems.”

At that Viking shoves his chair back at the same time I do. We reach the prick at the same time coming at him from both sides.

A brother by the name of Static. A transfer from out west.

“Settle it in the pit,” Prez announces, and Viking flashes his teeth at the newcomer.

“I’m going to enjoy this.” He punches him in the gut and the idiot doubles over.

I’d like to stay around to watch, but I need to get back to Karma. We’ve got an appointment with Roane to get my ink on her.

Prez gives me a chin lift and I make my way back to him at the head of the table as he ends church. The other brothers file out of the room behind Viking and Static eager to watch him give the new brother a proper ass kicking. I’ll settle my score with him later. He disrespected my Ol’ Lady. That can’t go unpunished.

“I’ll let you know when I set the meet. Need to speak with Karma more on this Mona situation. If she’s in bed with the cartel and stealing I don’t think he’d put up a fight if I suggest we trade Mona and her territory for Karma. I’m not an enemy he wants, and doubt Jameson would care about a bitch who took a shit on our code. Ask your woman who I need to lean on for information.”

“Will do soon as she’s speaking to me again.”

Murder chuckles. “Shit. What’d you do to piss her off already?”

“Left her cuffed to my bed this morning. Had to make sure she stayed put. Can’t have her running off the minute I turn my back on her.”

“Best tend to her then. Once she’s over her tantrum bring her by for a briefing.”

“Will do.”

“And, Hound…”


“Damn happy for ya, man.”

I leave Prez to it and head out. Karma is gonna be hella pissed at me, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. When it comes to her, I’m not dickin’ around this time. I’ll do whatever it takes to make her stay. I know we got the potential to build something damn good. Something worth fighting for.

When I leave church Sandman is waiting by the door for me. He licks his lips, a shit eating grin spreading over his face. “Didn’t take long.”


“For Karma to get her fist around your sac.”

“Shut the fuck up. Like you’re one to talk with your cursed dick.”

“I’ll be at Bianca’s next couple days. Give you some privacy.”

“Isn’t that sweet. Sandman’s checking in with his daddy,” Prodigy states as he exits the bathroom.

“No need to feel left out, man. I’ll be your daddy too. Just bend over. I’ll pull your hair and spank that hairy ass of yours while I’m at it.”

“You’re a sick bastard. And my ass ain’t hairy.”

“That’s not how I hear it,” Sandman tells him.

“That a fact?”

“Will be after I tell my woman to put a hex on you for talkin’ shit.”

Prodigy shakes his head as he stomps down the hall. Sandman’s got himself a witch. Dumb fuck convinced himself she put a curse on his dick. Guess they got that worked out since he’s fucking her on the regular now.

“See you around. We’ll do a dinner once Karma is speaking to me again.”

“Some things never change.”

“Nothing wrong with that.”