Page 26 of His Prisoner



They say that when a rainstorm is truly above you that the heavens have opened. I don’t know about that, because right now, it feels more like purgatory. Pleasure and pain, heaven and hell—my mind can’t make heads or tails of it all. It’s like my indecisiveness proves how little I truly know myself.

Antonio throws me into the room with little disregard, my ass landing on the carpeted floor next to the bed. The storm is smashing the rain against the roof tiles and glass, an acoustic that encompasses the room. I watch with unease as he locks the door. Now, it seems, no one can hear us and no one can get into the room. Antonio turns to me, disappointment etched into his expression.

“What was that? Who told you that you could roam as you please?”

With my hand on the bed, I pull myself to my feet.

“Roam as I please?” I question back. “My door was unlocked, what was I supposed to do?”

“The door was unlocked as a gesture of goodwill. I thought you would have understood that. If you wanted to get some fresh air, you could have called someone.”

“Oh, could I? I guess I didn’t notice the number for the receptionist on the telephone. You sound insane. You do realize that you brought me here at gunpoint?” I’m in genuine awe of his reasoning.

“I figured you knew what was at stake, Mia, but you did the worst thing possible. I mean, you really should have thought twice about entering my father’s room. Do you know what he could have done to you? What he wants me to do to you and your father?”

“No, I must have forgotten.” I lift my head up to show my defiance without fear. I can’t help but shake my head. I don’t know who’s worse off—me or Antonio. At least I’m not a puppet to my father’s demands. I laugh out loud with an urge to show him that I’m not some scared girl he can just intimidate. “I feel sorry for you, you know that?”

Antonio steps forward, his eyes narrowing. “Feel sorry for me? For me? Show some respect. You should be grateful, thanking God every day that I walked up those stairs to get you because that’s the only reason you’re still here and that you haven’t been passed around by my guys. If only you knew what could have happened. Seriously, you should be thanking me on your hands and knees right now that it was me that came to your house that night. Anyone else, and you and your old man would be plunged headfirst in a barrel full of acid right now, you inconsiderate bitch!”

Maybe it’s the adrenaline, or that I’ve just lost any sense of fear because his threats do little to sway me away from my attempt to challenge him.

“Yeah, you would like that, for me to be on my hands and knees, wouldn’t you?” I answer. “And you know what? You and your boys ought to take a long hard look at yourselves because all you’re doing is heading in a direction where the mothers of your future children will be whores or cowards. It’s so obvious. All of you are just sons doomed to repeat their father’s mistakes. It’s a joke.”

To be honest, I’m not even sure where that came from, but there’s no backing down, not now.

“What the fuck did you just say to me?” He grabs my arm, lifts me closer to him. “Who are you to tell me about the sins of my father? I’ll teach you about sins. You’re the one who’s going to be paying for your father’s mistakes, not me,” he spits with anger as he stares down at me.

“I’m already paying for my father’s mistakes,” I retort with narrowed eyes. “Or what would you call my being here? A vacation?”

“I have a different punishment in mind, il mio agnellino.”

The deep rumble of his voice tells me he’s serious–that there’s no going back from whatever he’s planning in that dark, villainous mind of his. It also sends a shiver up my spine, and I want to kick myself for finding him so sexy at this moment. He’s talking about punishing you, Mia! Lord knows what that even means. He lets go of my arm.

“Get undressed.”

“What? No!” I protest. Is this it? Has he finally decided that he’s going to take me by force? A deep, dirty feeling within me reaches up in excitement, but I shove it back down.

“Yes.” The patience he showed me before is gone now. He steps closer and starts pulling at my sweatshirt, trying to get it over my head.

“Fine! Fine, I’ll take it off.” This is Gucci, you idiot!

I pullthe sweatshirt over my head and kick my sneakers off. Antonio, satisfied that I’m doing what I’m told, goes over to the window and looks out at the rain. By the time he turns around, I’m in my bra and panties alone. His eyes seem to soften when his gaze scrapes over my boobs pushing out over my bra.

“Good girl.”

Oh God, why did I like that? Why do I feel excitement rising and heat building inside of me?

“Now,” he starts to undo his belt. “Time for your punishment. What shall it be? How about…” He whips his belt off, folds it in his hands, and slaps it onto his palm. “Ten licks? I think that’s reasonable.”

Wait, what? He wants to spank me? Oh no, no, no!

Catching me by surprise, he pulls me over to the bed again. Only this time he’s not asking. He sits down and pulls me across his lap, on my stomach with my ass in the air. His arms hold me down behind my legs and across the back of my neck. I struggle violently to get free, with no success.

“No! Wait, I’ll stay in the room, I promise! I won’t go walking again!”