Page 12 of His Prisoner



I’ve seen the way fear crosses a person’s face a million times, and I swear to God, that was not the expression I saw on Mia’s face just now. There’s something in her eyes, in the way she looks at me, as if she’s calling me, wanting me to come closer. Then again, what do I have in the way of comparison? The more I think about it, the more I realize that I haven’t had an honest interaction with a girl since high school. These days, the only pussy I get is from the women on our payroll, and if not, then it’s some broad who’s looking to make a name for herself. With this chick though? I don’t know, but something about her is driving me nuts, and I just can’t get her off my mind. Yeah, she may be scared of the circumstances—most people are when facing the unknown—but she doesn’t fear me. It intrigues the shit out of me. What is she thinking? Then again, what the hell do I know about the way a woman thinks? And I’m not even sure why I give a fuck.

Yeah, that’s what I ask myself—why do you care? The only problem is that I don’t know how to answer that question. The only thing I know is that since I brought her to the house, Mia’s been dancing through my mind, teasing every single bit of my desire, tempting me with her eyes, those fucking eyes.

In the kitchen, I’m sitting over the table with a whiskey, and although this house never sleeps, it’s quiet. Huxley’s gone back to the club, needs to check on business, he told me. Sometimes I wonder if my father made the right choice, trusting my little brother with family investments. He’s got to learn at some point, and I just hope that learning curve doesn’t come after he’s burnt the place to the ground. Fiona is back from whatever party she was at. After complaining like she always does about the muscle I have following her, she took off to her bedroom, true to the typical attitude of the 17-year-old that she is. It’s like she’s oblivious to the reality of our world. I don’t know how many times I have to remind her that it’s for her own safety, that there are people out there looking for a one-up on our family, and she’s prime meat for a ransom kidnapping.

My father, the don, already came up with a solution for this, years ago, that would solve more than just her safety. He’s arranged her future marriage with Frederico Rossi from the Rossi family, one of our territorial neighbors. Once married, she’ll not only be under their protection as well as ours, but the families will have reason to stand together. It’s a common agreement between families like ours, and Fiona just has to accept that. Although, I feel for Frederico because who in their right mind would want to sit through the pile of complaints she seems to have for everything and everyone around her? Not me any longer. While I wish for her to grow up and marry, she constantly pushes against it, throwing fits and begging our father to put it off longer, to let her live her life first. The problem is, she’ll have no life to live if she carries on this way, partying with her friends.

Anyway, that’s family for you. You can’t pick them, but you best be ready to die for them. Blood is thicker than water, and in my world, it means everything.

You could say that my plate’s full, the responsibilities for the Moretti empire are being stacked high onto my shoulders since my father’s health keeps him in his bed, so it’s up to me to make sure the city continues to respect our family. It was inevitable, I guess. I’m the oldest and next in line, but I just didn’t think it would be this soon. The only thing I do know is that I better be ready, because once the old man finally goes, God forbid, every wise guy, mobster, and hood rat are going to try and get a bigger bite of the pie. Attempts to push us out will be coming from all directions, and ordinarily the pressure would be on the forefront of my thoughts, but as the ice cubes hit my lips with the last sip of my drink, all I can think about is ripping Mia’s clothes off and sinking deep between her legs. Good thing no one is around because the bulge in my pants is becoming too obvious. Shit, and why not? Why don’t I just go up there right now and fuck her brains out?

My whiskey brain edges me off my seat. I took her, and I want her, so why shouldn’t I have her? I know the reason—I’ve never had to force a woman to be with me. This time, that could change. You hear about rape all over the crime world, but the truth is, us mafia men tend to get all the pussy. We don’t need to force it–unless, of course, that’s your thing. But it’s not mine.

With this need to prove myself to the men around me–in the family and out–though, I drunkenly decide to take what’s mine. This is my right, no?

In this hour of the night, only the men on watch duty are awake, all talking shit out in the courtyard. Outside Mia’s room, however, it’s dead quiet apart from my breathing and excitement that’s amplified by my thumping heart. Pressing my ear against the door, I hear nothing. She must be sleeping, but I just can’t help myself. I unlock the door and walk in, then I stumble and startle Mia, who by the looks of it is surprised to see me. She sits up, her eyes immediately locking onto mine.

“What do you want?” She asks, almost accusingly.

I pull a chair from the table, drag it to the side of the bed, and take a seat. “You know, it’s been playing on my mind, your reaction when we came for you and your father.”

On the bed, Mia pulls her legs up and hugs her knees to her breasts. There’s a soft glow in the room, emitted from the spotlight in the courtyard out front, and I can see her perfectly. In her surprise, she let the covers fall to the bed and it’s clear now that she’s taken off her jeans. My eyes follow the reflection of light along her bare thighs and notice those white lace panties she pulled over her sexy ass earlier this evening.

When I speak again, my voice rumbles with desire.

“Why didn’t you put up a fight when I took you?”

Her focus doesn’t leave my face, and I swear to God, even through my whiskey eyes, I’m sure she bites her full juicy lips.

“Is that what you wanted me to do?”

“No, it’s what I expected you to do.” It was what anyone else would have done. Definitely what any other girl would have done: throw a fit, scream, call for help, anything. But she walked out of her father’s house and got into my car without a word.

As if realizing her strength again, she drops her knees and shrugs angrily. “Look, I’m not an idiot, okay. When a man pushes a gun in your face, you listen. You were going to kill my father and me if I didn’t do something. So, I took the deal. Whatever it is that you plan to do with me is better than me lying dead on the living room floor.”

I chuckle dangerously. “Don’t be so sure.”

“Then make me sure! Tell me what you’re going to do with me!”

“Oh, if only I could decide…il mio agnellino.” My little lamb.

I put my hand on the mattress by the tip of her toes. She pulls her feet further away still. “Are you scared of me?”

“No,” she answers strongly, but her accompanying gulp says otherwise.

I let out a laugh. Every day, I walk around this city with people fearing me. Yet, no one has ever denied it with so much confidence. “You know, back in the day when your father was working for mine, all the kids of our associates and friends would hang out together, after all, we’re all from the same neighborhood. Do you think we knew each other back then? It’s a possibility, right?”

Mia sits up a little straighter. “So is that it? My father was a friend, or was he forced to do what he did?”

Wow, there’s a fire in her that I wasn’t expecting. It excites me further. Every part of my instincts is telling me to reach out and grab her, to bite and taste her. My heart races faster and I lean forward, edging closer to her.

“Everybody has a choice,” I say, then lightly touch her exposed thigh. Momentarily, she freezes. I notice that her olive skin is smooth and untarnished from any blemishes as I run my finger along her leg. Suddenly, she swats my hand away and moves to the other side of the bed, out of my reach. My eyebrow lifts.

“What is it that you want from me?” she asks again, more urgently. It seems she can tell what I want but needs confirmation.