Page 11 of Staying in Clua


I was right. As far as distractions go, I’ve got a good one.

His hands cup my face, holding me in place while he tugs at my bottom lip with his teeth, eyes open and on mine.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a one-night stand without copious amounts of alcohol wrapping my brain in a buzzed-out daze. I didn’t finish my second Jack and Coke. Didn’t need to. Probably why this feels so mind-zingingly intense, and vividly clear.

My eyelids flutter when he presses another opened-mouthed kiss to my lips. His tongue barely tickles mine, but it’s enough to have my fingers twisting the side of his T-shirt, my back arching in an attempt to get closer to his solid chest, and my hips tilting into the hardness beneath his shorts.

He’d waited until I turned to the stairs of my porch with a lame see ya to grab my wrist and drag me back to him. My head’s still spinning from the upward swoop my tummy did when his lips crashed against mine—or that could be the things he’s doing right now with his tongue.

The rough wood of the post that separates our porches scrapes the skin of my shoulders as he pushes me against it and slides my guitar from my shoulder. His hand slips down my neck, skimming over the side of my breast then down my side until he reaches my thigh and guides my leg around his waist, my skirt bunching up around my ass with the movement.

Holy shit. I don’t think I’ve ever been more right in my life.

I let out a purr of contentment and crumple his shirt until my fingers find the smooth, hot skin of his back. His lips leave mine, so I nibble along the hard line of his jaw to the ticking pulse in his neck. He tastes as good as he smells, and he smells fucking fantastic up close and personal.

I lick his Adam’s apple with the tip of my tongue, and I’m rewarded with a sharp thrust up the post on a guttural growl before he pulls back.

“I’m not a good guy, Stan.” His fingers dig into the top of my thigh. “I’m not looking for anything more than this.”

“Hmmm?” I trail the tip of my tongue up the underside of his chin, then tickle my fingers up the sides of his neck to tilt his head down until I can see his eyes. “Neither am I.”

His face breaks into a sinful grin, all sexy straight teeth, and dimples as he lifts my other leg from the ground.

With no other option than the very pleasing one of wrapping my legs around his waist, I wiggle my hips and resume my exploration of his neck. Did I mention he smells fucking fantastic?

I’m too busy climbing his leanly muscled body to pay attention to how he managed to get us up the stairs or through the front door.

My mouth finds his again as the door is kicked closed behind us, and the darkness of the room surrounds us, the only sound our mingled breaths and mutual moans. I don’t think I’ve ever been kissed so good.

My bum hits the edge of what I can only assume is a dresser, and I’m slid onto the cool, polished top, whatever was sitting there before me clattering back against the wall behind me.

Breaking the kiss, I lean back and drag my top over my head. Fortune favors the bold and, judging by the promising bulge deliciously wedged against me, we’re on the same page.

His hands smooth up from my hips to cup my naked breasts. His warm, callous-tipped thumbs rake over my nipples, and I don’t even try to hold back my moan of appreciation.

“Switch the light on,” I whisper, then bite his chin before pressing my mouth to his again. His lips tip into a grin against mine and my heart thunders even harder against my rib cage. I can only imagine what kind of mischief he gets up to with a grin like that.

His body twists away from me, but his hips stay firmly between my legs.

A soft click and light explodes the room into high definition.

I blink to adjust my eyes when he straightens. His hair is all messed up from my fingers, his lips wet from my kisses. His blue-green gaze darkens as it scans my face then lowers to my naked chest. I curve my spine and lean back, my hands gripping the back edge of the dresser I’m perched on. They might be small but they’re definitely perky. His gaze fixes on the fine lined triangle tattooed between them.

His teeth drag over his bottom lip and his eyes flick back to mine. “Nice.”

I don’t know why, but his low-key approval bursts like a bubble of happy in my chest and spreads a wide smile across my face. “Thanks.” I hold his gaze and reach for the waistband of his shorts, tucking my fingers just beneath the soft denim. “Your turn.” I flick the button open then change directions to smooth my hands upward, pushing the hem of his T-shirt up to reveal his abs, one hard, inked ridge at a time.

My stare fixes on the crazy intricate tattoo that covers the whole of his lower torso, tapering off between the defined V of muscle that disappears into his waistband.

Heaven. I’m in actual, God, damn heaven.

My hands stop guiding his T-shirt up. Lips parting, I take in the delicate line work and expert shading. He’s a work of art. “Fuck me,” I whisper on an impressed sigh.

His body shakes with his rough chuckle.

I lift my gaze to his bemused face and match his smirk with my own. “Now, please.”