Page 61 of Fight Me Daddy

"What do you know about the attacks on the Bianchi's?"

His icy blue eyes narrowed at me. "That's what this shit is about," he grumbled. "You're one of them."

"Gabriele," I said as I sized him up. "Who is Andrei?"

"I'm not telling you shit."

My pulse raced and I grinned. "I was hoping you would say that." I shrugged off my jacket and rolled my sleeves up. "After tonight I could use an outlet and I don't want to take any of this out on my boy, not the brunt of it anyway. He can't handle that. Not yet."

"? ??? ?? ?????????”

I tilted my head at him. "I don't understand that shit so if you have something to tell me pick a different language. Who is Andrei?"

He hacked and a glob of saliva smacked against my cheek. I reached up and swiped the spit away. "It's too bad I need you to use your tongue for information or I would slice it out of your head."

"Lucky me," he grunted.

"Not really. I've got a ton of interesting ways to make you talk and there's plenty of you to slice off." I beckoned and a cart was wheeled to me. I ran my fingers over the shiny selection I had to work with before I gazed up at the man. "That man you were chasing down. What was the plan? Kill him?"

He stayed quiet, but I saw the pain that crossed his face as his muscles twitched. The bullet wound I'd given him in his arm had been patched so he wouldn't bleed out, but he was still in a hell of a lot of pain.

I kicked the box from underneath his feet and he screamed as he swung back and forth. The hook keeping him suspended yanked on the handcuffs and it looked like his wrists would snap at any moment.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He panted. "Why do you care?"

"I want to know who to send your body to when we're done. No reason your family shouldn't be able to bury you."

He glared. "Fuck you!"

I clicked my tongue. "You must really love pain to keep pushing me. I don't mind indulging you."

My fingers finally stopped stroking the weapons that had been supplied and I picked up a scalpel. Thin and precise, it would do a wonderful job.

"Are you circumcised?" I asked.

He blinked at me, his eyes knitting together. "What?"

"Are you circumcised?" I asked as I reached out and yanked down his sweats.

All at once, the truth seemed to dawn on him and I watched his chest rise and fall quickly. I grinned.

"You can't be serious," he stammered.

I ripped down his boxers and reached over to pick up a pair of gloves. Once they were on, I picked up the scalpel again and grabbed his cock.

"Looks like you are circumcised. Guess I'm going to have to keep slicing anyway."

He locked eyes with me and I saw the terror behind the mask. I ran the blade of the scalpel over his purple head and blood bubbled up.

“I would stop moving if I were you. My hands are real shaky and I might cut the whole thing off.”

"Fuck, you're insane!" he yelled as he kicked and swung on the hook.

"You have no idea," I said as I ran the back of the scalpel over his flesh but kept my eyes on him. "Who is Andrei?"

He sucked in a shuddering breath as a vein pulsed in his throat. "If I tell you, he'll kill me."