Slowly, I poked my head over the ledge, relief trickling through me. Gotcha.

Dragan was wreathed in a spindle of neon flame. The twisted signature of his sorcery tainted the air around us as glowing green runes appeared one by one across the surface of the roof.

I had no idea what he was doing, but I got the feeling that I didn’t have time to figure it out.

Preoccupied by his spell, Dragan didn’t see me. His back was turned.

Give me speed, Wolfie.

I’d only have one chance, and I had to make it count.

Crouching for a sprint, I launched myself forward and summoned my Soul Knife. Our feet pounded the rooftop, moving faster than I ever had before. Dragan began to turn, and I—

Unbelievable pain cascaded through my body as I slammed into a solid, invisible wall.

I felt my left wrist snap on impact, and I ricocheted off the unyielding barrier.

Agony jumped from limb to limb as I rolled onto my side. Darkness pressed at the corners of my vision, and I couldn’t breathe.

From his pillar of fire, Dragan laughed. “Savannah, you are always so entertaining. Sorry I had to lock you out of the party.”

It hurt too much to even think about rising, but I managed a jagged breath. “The party isn’t over, Dragan.”

“Oh, but it is. You’re too late. The ritual is complete.”

I laughed. “Then why are you hiding up here? Where’s your Dark God?”

“Watching. Waiting for the final sacrifice to be made.” He turned and flashed a malicious grin. “You.”