I looked from her to the doctor. “Fine. How do I break it?”

Lily shook her curly dark hair. “I don’t know. I think the girl is trapped in

a dream, perhaps a nightmare. To break the curse, you might have to enter

her dreams, but how that would be done, I haven’t a clue.”

“And the others are the same?”

Regina nodded. “Sleeping soundly, just like her. Sometimes they move a

little or moan or cry out, but they can’t wake up.”

Not good.

I looked from one woman to the other. “Savannah Caine was attacked in

her dreams last night. The sorcerer made her sleepwalk. Did that happen to

any of the sleepers? Were they attacked in some other way?”

Regina crossed her arms and lifted her head toward Cara. “According to

her mother, she came in late and just went to bed like normal.”

I took a deep breath, seeking an increasingly elusive calm.

Kahanov had appeared in Savannah’s dream. Had he entered Cara’s

dreams and trapped her there? The consequences were staggering. If the

bastard could attack my pack in dreams, then he could attack anywhere. We

were under siege from an invisible assailant who was going to put my wolves

to sleep one by one until I submitted.

Regina handed me photos of two other pack members. The other sleepers,

trapped in nightmares.

This was the consequence of not handing over Savannah.

Every muscle in my body wanted me to shift and to hunt and to kill.

There will be a time for that, I told my wolf.

I needed more information. “Can I talk to Cara’s mother? Is she here?”

The doctor led me to a woman sitting alone in a waiting room, who rose

when we entered the room. “Alpha.”

I inclined my head. “I’m sorry about Cara. She’s a good wolf.”

Her mother looked away and covered her mouth.

I pushed my alpha presence toward her. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll do