Savannah looked between us, then met my gaze. “Yes. That’s what I

want. Teach me to protect myself.”

I took a step forward. “Savannah—”

“We’ve got this, wolf,” Casey spat.

I twisted and narrowed my eyes at the asshole. “Obviously, you don’t,


Savannah moved up the stairs beside her aunt. “Jaxson, I’m staying here.”

Bitterness wound around me. Fine. If that’s what she wanted, so be it.

I turned to go, but she spoke. “Casey, Aunt Laurel, give me a minute?”

With reluctance, they headed inside.

Savannah stared down at me from the rail, wrapped in her cloak of

shadows. “I saw what you did. Thank you.”

I set my jaw. I wasn’t going to be patronized. “He’ll send more, whether

you’re sleeping or not. We need to figure out what that is. Could you draw it?

Like you’ve done before?”


“Good. Send me a picture, and I’ll pass it on to Neve. I’ll let you know

what she finds.”

Savannah nodded and turned toward the door. She paused as she held it

open, letting the yellow light spill out. “You can’t protect me from this,

Jaxson. You know that, right?”

Then she disappeared inside and shut the door.

By the next morning, shit had spiraled out of control. Three members of my

pack were in the hospital. They’d gone to sleep, and no one could wake them.

I had no doubt that this was the result of another sort of dream attack and

that Kahanov was to blame. His powers had grown. But how?

Dark thoughts percolating in my mind, I stormed through the halls of the

hospital. With a nod of my head to the security guard, I entered the restricted

wing where the sleepers had been taken. I had to see them for myself, to face

the consequence of my choices.